“I’m too embarrassed to go to my kindergarten reunion. I’ve put on, like, 130 pounds since then”

People often gain weight after they leave school and reunions can be frightening—but a kindergarten reunion? “I declined an invitation to my Kindergarten Reunion because…well, you know, I’ve put on about 200 pounds since then” was posted on the newsgroup soc.senior.issues on January 25, 2008.
“‘Went to my kindergarten reunion this weekend. It was so embarrassing; I’d gained like 130 pounds.’ -wish I cld remember the comedian’s name” was posted on Twitter on July 28, 2009. “My 50 year kindergarten reunion is coming up soon and I’m worried about the 175 pounds I’ve gained since then” was posted on Reddit—Oneliners on February 25, 2018.
Google Groups: soc.senior.issues
Yo! Might be wrong group - but I am noticing things…
A little about me…I declined an invitation to my Kindergarten Reunion because…well, you know, I’ve put on about 200 pounds since then.
Jesse Thorstad‏
“Went to my kindergarten reunion this weekend. It was so embarrassing; I’d gained like 130 pounds.” -wish I cld remember the comedian’s name
8:56 PM - 28 Jul 2009
Smoking Mammal‏
I’m too embarrassed to go to my kindergarten reunion - I’ve put on, like, 130 pounds since then.
12:25 PM - 25 Nov 2009
3 September 2015, San Jose (CA) Mercury News, “Bay Area Host Knows ‘Quiz Kids’” by John Horgan, pg. B2:
Weight gain
A reader sent this witticism via email. It has a definite ring to it. Here goes: “My 60-year kindergarten reunion is coming up soon and I’m concerned about the 195 pounds I’ve gained.” Sounds about right. My spare tire says it all.
10 October 2015, The Yazoo Herald (Yazoo City, MS), “From the Kitchen” by Lee Ann Flemming, pg. 16, col. 1:
My 60 year old kindergarten reunion is coming up soon and I am worried about the 196 pounds I’ve gained.
Reta Coffman‏
My 60 year kindergarten reunion is coming up. I will be hard to recognize since I have gained 175 pounds.
12:39 PM - 2 Jun 2017
Clint Gresham
I’m feeling a little embarrassed about my upcoming kindergarten reunion.  I’ve put on like 200 pounds since then.
7:08 PM - 26 Nov 2017
My 50 year kindergarten reunion is coming up soon and I’m worried about the 175 pounds I’ve gained since then
submitted February 25, 2018 by wtfover