“I am scared of non-alcoholic lager. It must be a faux beer”

“Faux beer” sounds like “phobia.”
“I think i have a faux beer phobia” was posted on Twitter on May 7, 2009. “My dad is scared of fake alcohol. He has a faux beer” was posted on Twitter by Loz Whitaker on November 17, 2010. “I am scared of non-alcoholic lager. It must be a faux beer.” was posted on Twitter by Alan Machnik on March 7, 2011. “I am terrified of non-alcoholic lager. It’s a faux beer” was posted on Twitter by rodger nash on April 12, 2011.
johnny sparklechops
drinking orange juice because pure blonde is the only alternative. i think i have a faux beer phobia.
10:26 PM - 7 May 2009
Loz Whitaker
my dad is scared of fake alcohol. He has a faux beer. #win100 #JokesThatOnlyWorkWhenSpoken
5:38 AM - 17 Nov 2010
Alan Machnik
I am scared of non-alcoholic lager. It must be a faux beer.
3:38 PM - 7 Mar 2011
rodger nash
I am terrified of non-alcoholic lager. It’s a faux beer.
5:01 AM - 12 Apr 2011
I have an irrational fear of alcohol-free lager.
It’s a faux-beer. http://bit.ly/jmnyka
4:08 AM - 1 Jul 2011
I’ve developed a fear of imitation ale,
submitted February 11, 2015 by Jacobtait
It’s a faux beer.
I’m petrified by the thought of drinking non-alcoholic lager. It’s a faux beer.
3:55 AM - 27 Oct 2015
MꙬse Allain
I don’t know why I’m scared of non-alcoholic lager. I think it’s just a faux beer.
6:59 AM - 5 Feb 2018
I have an irrational fear of alcohol free lager. I can’t help it, it’s a faux beer
6:12 PM - 29 Mar 2018