“I’m not homophobic. I’m not afraid of my house!”

A person who is “homophobic” has a fear of homosexuals, but there’s a joke:
“I’m not homophobic. I’m not afraid of my house!”
English comedian and actor Peter Kay has told the joke since at least 2004, and the line has been printed on an image.
Google Groups: comp.sys.sinclair
The Starglider
On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 23:18:43 +0100, Nick Humphries .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) wrote:
>I’m not homophobic. I’m not afraid of my house!
>Thank you, I’ll be here all week…
Someone watched Peter Kay tonight!
mw’s history archive
Famous British Comedy Quotes
Post by Shipmate Taffer on Nov 9, 2004 at 2:07pm
I’m not homophobic - I’m not afraid of my house.
Peter Kay
Google Groups: 6A0N7
What was more suprising last night, out of Heskey scoring to benefit us or RARD, that’s “RARD”, posting on here last night (page 4 onwards)?
[AIG] = Alex is GOD
And I’m not Homophobic!
I’m not afraid of my house!
Steve Harman‏
Peter Kay on tonight’s One Show: “I’m not homophobic, I’m not afraid of me ‘ouse, me”.  The man’s a genius.
3:02 PM - 18 Dec 2009
JPHorrox 🇬🇧 🇫🇮 🇪🇺‏
@lulabellstinker I’m not homophobic, I’m not afraid of my house. - Peter Kay 😊
7:20 AM - 10 Oct 2010
My dad: I’m not homophobic because I’m not afraid of homes
9:40 PM - 12 Sep 2016