“I’m not cheap. I’m frugal”

“I’m not cheap. I’m frugal” is what some non-spenders say. American humorist Erma Bombeck (1927-1996) possibly popularized the saying in a June 1987 newspaper column that ended:
“The difference? Cheap is what everyone else is when you’re being frugal.”
7 June 1987, The Journal-News (White Plains, NY), “Maybe I’m frugal, but don’t call me cheap” by Erma Bombeck, pg. F2, col. 1:
The difference? Cheap is what everyone else is when you’re being frugal.
Google News Archive
8 June 1987, The Blade (Toledo, OH), At Wit’s End: There’s a Big Difference” by Erma Bombeck, Peach Sec., pg. P-1. col 1:
(Same article as above.—ed.)
Google Groups: comp.sys.amiga.hardware
Is this monitor hack possible?
Steven Crain
Pardon my ignorance of video circuitry; also, I would like to state for the record that I am not cheap, I’m frugal (and poor). 😊
Google Groups: soc.motss
which side do you flag your flag on?
C Lassiter
I’ve always wanted a twin, identical, natch.
: >c. “I’m not cheap; I’m economical” l.
: m. “I’m not cheap; I’m frugal” p.
Justin Dorfman
I’m not cheap I’m frugal.
9:30 PM - 26 Jul 2008
@DealSeekingMom YOU ARE SO RIGHT!  I’m FRUGAL peopl!!! NOT CHEAP
9:49 PM - 2 Nov 2008
Great Basin Federal Credit Union
I’m Not Cheap, I’m Frugal!
Posted by Cristina Moses on January 18, 2012
They say you will eventually turn into your parents.  Well, it’s true.  This economy has turned me into my dad, the cheapest person you’ll ever know.  I remember as a child my mom always complained that my dad was cheap and his response was, “I’m not cheap–I’m frugal!”  Now I find myself saying the same thing in response to my husband complaining about generic groceries.
Budget Bloge$$
Who are you calling cheap? I’m Frugal.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2015
Have you ever had a friend call you out on being cheap?