“I’m into auto-cannibalism. People say I’m full of myself”
An “auto-cannibal” is someone who eats himself (or herself). There have been several jokes.
“One time I met an auto-cannibal, but he was full of himself” was posted on Twitter on August 10, 2012. “What do you call a stuffed autocannibal? Full of himself!” was posted on Twitter on August 20, 2014.
Brandon Powers
One time I met an auto-cannibal, but he was full of himself.
10:35 AM - 10 Aug 2012
Gore-elai Gilmore
“oh listen to me, going on about my own cooking! I sure am full of myself,” the auto-cannibal chuckled, polishing off a 2nd helping of toes.
9:28 PM - 19 Aug 2013
IMDb (The Internet Movie Database)
Hannibal (TV Series)
Tome-wan (May 16, 2014)
Mason Verger: I’m full of myself
mantis toboggan
“I’m full of myself” is the only pun that has ever made me want to vomit. Auto-cannibalism intensifies. @NBCHannibal
3:44 PM - 17 May 2014
✦ Ann。
“I’m full of myself.” - Mason Verger from Hannibal s2ep12, the only show to make autocannibalism puns… http://tmblr.co/Z6Qq0u1GE1QdF
2:22 PM - 18 May 2014
I’m an Auto Cannibal, I’m full of myself
7:09 PM - 15 Jun 2014
Nick Williams
What do you call a stuffed autocannibal? Full of himself! :D #jokesarefunny
5:21 PM - 20 Aug 2014
Dru Xyfr
I’m into #autocannibalism. People say I’m full of myself.
1:11 PM - 18 Sep 2016
I used to think my autocannibalism made me cool.
submitted October 3, 2017 by ScammySwindleton
Now I realize I was just full of myself.