“If you’re having trouble understanding fractions, don’t worry, our helpline is open 24/7”

“The Improper Fractions Helpline is now open 24/7” is a math joke that has been printed on coffee mugs. “My top-heavy fractions helpline is now open 24/7” was posted on Twitter  by Sickipedia_Feed‏ on October 14, 2012.
“My improper fractions helpline is now open 24/7” was posted on Twitter on April 14, 2013. “The Joy of Bex” posted the same line on Twitter on November 26, 2014—over a year later—and this won The Aperiodical‘s “Best Math Puns of 2014 Competition.
“If you’re having trouble understanding fractions, don’t worry, our helpline is open 24/7” was posted on Reddit—Oneliners on December 8, 2017.
my top-heavy fractions helpline is now open 24/7. http://bit.ly/XbnRKD
10:35 PM - 14 Oct 2012
Stuart Dunne‏
my top-heavy fractions helpline is now open 24/7.
2:14 AM - 15 Oct 2012
graham hill‏
My improper fractions helpline is now open 24/7.
9:42 AM - 14 Apr 2013
The Joy of Bex‏
My improper fractions helpline is now open 24/7.
3:44 AM - 26 Nov 2014
The Aperiodical
The Aperiodical’s Best Maths Pun of 2014 Competition – The Results
By Katie Steckles and Christian Lawson-Perfect. Posted January 9, 2015 in Competitions
The Aperiodical’s Best Maths Pun of 2014
My improper fractions helpline is now open 24/7.
James: Simple, beautiful, tidy. Also, I want a helpline like that, we could call it the Sumaritans. (a bonus point to James for that effort – CP)
Peter: A stand out.
Katie: A strong contender.
Paul: Obviously an excellent pun, though a controversial one, because puns are normally spoken but this one works better written down.
Steve: I like it.
James Martin‏
Can’t help but feel it’s a little cruel that the helpline for people who struggle with fractions is open 24/7.
4:40 PM - 30 Jan 2016
CubbyHawk Covfefe‏
Having trouble understanding top heavy fractions?
Our helpline is open 24/7.
10:00 AM - 20 Mar 2017
21 June 2017, Leicester (UK) Mercury, pg. 15:
Smile with Steve
FOR all you readers out there who have trouble understanding “top heavy fractions” I’ll gladly help you. Give me a call, my helpline is open 24/7.
Steve Birch, Coalville
If you’re having trouble understanding fractions, don’t worry, our helpline is open 24/7.
submitted December 8, 2017 by madazzahatter