“If you’re American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?”/“European.”

A nationality joke is:
Q: If you’re an American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?
A: European (you’re a-peeing).

The joke has been cited in print since at least 1976.
12 April 1976, The Home News (New Brunswick, NJ), “‘Old’ McAllister fan has that left-out feeling” by Bob Knobelman, pg. 15, col. 4:
If you are an American in the kitchen, then what are you in the bathroom,” an 8-year-old Bobby asked McAllister. “European,” the youngster grinned after McAllister scratched his head.
Google Groups: alt.tv.beavis-n-butthead
I was, like, thinking, uh…
Hugh Dunne
D’ya ever notice that when Europeans take a dump, they push their pants down to their knees, but when Americans take a dump, they push their pants right down to their ankles…
Hey Beavis, if you’re American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?
Uh, I don’t know, Butt-Head.
You’re a-peein’!
Heh heh heh, that’s cool!
Google Books
To Be Someone
By Louise Voss
New York, NY: Ballantine Books
Pg. ?:
“If you’re an American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?” Various unintelligible and derisive yells from the audience. Jeremy adjusted his tie smugly. “You’re a-peein’, ladies and gentlemen!” He gave a low bow. A collective groan arose.
From my boy:  If you’re american in the kitchen, what are u in the bathroom? ....... European!  Bwahahaha.
11:52 PM - 15 Jul 2008
Google Books
Just Jokes—A Collection of Kids Jokes
By Phyllis Agles-Johnson
Raleigh, NC: LULU Publishing
Pg. 67:
Q. If you are an American in the kitchen, what nationality are you in the bathroom?
A. European!
Google Books
Best Ever Classroom Jokes:
Because some of us never grow up

By Mike Haskins
London, UK: Pavilion Books
Pg. ?:
If you’re an American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?
Reddit—Dad Jokes
If your American in the kitchen what are you in the bathroom? (self.dadjokes)
submitted January 16, 2018 by jimmyjames94-2