“If you somehow choke to death on an ice cube, nobody would know how you died”

“Has anyone ever choked to death on an ice cube? If so, did it confuse the fuck out of the coroner?” was asked on Reddit—AskReddit on December 20, 2010. “Is it possible to die while choking on an ice cube? If so, can a coroner tell how you died?” was posted on Reddit—AskReddit on May 3, 2012. “Could you imagine choking to death on an ice cube? By the time you were found it woulda melted and no one would understand how you died” was posted on Twitter on January 27, 2013.
“If you somehow choke to death on an ice cube, nobody would know how you died” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on April 26, 2018. However, several commenters have pointed out that a coroner would still be able to find the “ice cube” cause of death.
Has anyone ever choked to death on an ice cube? If so, did it confuse the fuck out of the coroner?
submitted December 20, 2010 by [deleted]
The coroner would probably detect swelling in the throat area where the ice cube was lodged.
Is it possible to die while choking on an ice cube? If so, can a coroner tell how you died?
submitted May 3, 2012 by gameboy1510
Yes, if it blocked your windpipe. There would be oesophageal trauma and signs of suffocation, but it might not be obvious that you choked on ice.
Chris Beach
Could you imagine choking to death on an ice cube? By the time you were found it woulda melted and no one would understand how you died. 😃
8:54 PM - 27 Jan 2013
Nics 🌻 🌈
If you choked on an ice cube inside an empty room, will people know how you died?
2:48 AM - 19 Oct 2017
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
If you somehow choke to death on an ice cube, nobody would know how you died.
submitted April 26, 2018 by BradyH4
EDIT: Yes, they would know cause of death (asphyxiation) but not how or from what.
Choking to death on a solid object like that causes interal trauma to the esophagus. An autopsy would reveal it and if there is no solid food or objects in your stomach, they will put ice but it can’t be definitive.
Shower Thoughts Bot
If you somehow choke to death on an ice cube, nobody would know how you died.  #thoughts
3:31 PM - 26 Apr 2018