“If you see me running, call the police”

“If you see me running, call the police” is a jocular statement by a non-runner that has been printed on many ecards. “Mon, if you ever see me running, please call the Police, it means someone is chasing me ok?” was cited in June 2010.
“If you see me running, call the police” was popularized in July 2011 by this ecard.
One Big Trip
Keep Running
MAY 28, 2010
Diana Limjoco
June 9, 2010 5:14 am
Mon, if you ever see me running, please call the Police, it means someone is chasing me ok? hahaha
David Goad’s Blog
Andy J. Says:
June 25, 2010 at 4:25 am
Figuratively speaking of course, if I actually ran I would either
a.) have a heart attack
b.) expire
c.) have a heart attack then expire
Also, as anyone who has known me for a while knows: If you see me running – call the police – because someone is chasing me.
Unabashedly Me
Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday Fiver: Things I Can’t Do (Yet)
I have often been heard saying, “If you see me running, call the police because I am being chased.”  Cancel that emergency call.  I have (slowly) started the Couch to 5K running program in hopes of running my first 5K this fall.
I don’t run for fun. If u see me running call the police. #pirates10
1:30 AM - 10 Jul 2011
If you see me running, call the police. http://some.ly/ngBIn5
1:03 PM - 18 Jul 2011
Beth Anne Underwood
If you see me running, call the police. http://some.ly/ngBIn5  via @someecards
1:12 PM - 18 Jul 2011
Color Me Kati
Jul 27, 2011
If You See Me Running, Call the Police
A few days on Pinterest, this was a funny little blurb I tagged. And if you know me, you’d know why: I don’t exercise. As in don’t.
Google Books
A Day in the Life of a Minimalist
By Joshua Fields Millburn
Asymmetrical Press
Pg. ?:
I do only exercises I enjoy. I don’t enjoy running, so I don’t do it. I attempted it for six months and discovered it wasn’t for me. If you see me running, call the police, because someone is chasing me.
Survival Guide by The Working Mom
Running is Not For Me.
I have come to the conclusion that I am not a runner. Matter of fact:
If You See Me Running, Call the Police!
Yep, I will not be running unless there is someone chasing me, a fire or some other huge emergency.