“If you can’t open their minds, open their heads”

Conservative radio and television commentator Glenn Beck posted audio on his blog The Blaze, on November 16, 2010, of a comment at a National Socialist strategy session: “The labor movement has this old saying, ‘if you can’t open their minds then, you open their heads.’”
The origin of the supposed old labor movement saying is not known.
Weasel Zippers
Militant Socialist Group Calls For Violent Head-Cracking Revolution Against Tea Partiers…
All talk, no action…
Via The Blaze:
“when we talk about raise peoples consciousness we also want to fight people, I think it’s both things. We want to fight people who have signed up on the other side, we are a militant organization. The labor movement has this old saying, ‘if you can’t open their minds then you open their heads.’ If we’re not fighters we are not going to recruit fighters”
Posted by ZIP on Tuesday, November 16, 2010, at 11:30 PM
The Black Hole
American Jihad
11-16-2010, 05:02 PM
Exclusive Audio: Militant Anti-Tea Party National Socialist Strategy Session Calling for Head-Cracking Revolution
Socialists to Tea Party: We’ll crack open your heads
GLENN (BECK—ed.): All right, I want to play some audio here from the, what is it the National Socialist forum?
PAT: Convention, strategy session on Saturday?
VOICE: In times of growth historically the Democrats were the party that wanted to at least mildly redistribute a little bit of wealth. They were willing to finance a few social programs, make a few concessions in the interest of preserving social peace and social stability. But now when they don’t feel like that money is available for them to distribute, they don’t do anything. And I think that, you know, we all want to raise people’s consciousness but we also want to fight people, right? So I think it’s like both things. And, you know, we want to, we want to fight people who are on the—who have signed up on the other side of the barricade who are fighting us, we have to fight them. This is—we’re a militant organization when it comes to the fight against gay bigotry, the fights against racism and sexism. The labor movement has this old saying, and I don’t know if you want to take it—is if you can’t open their minds, open their heads. Now, I don’t—
PAT: Did you get that?
GLENN: Mmm-hmmm.
PAT: The old labor saying? If you can’t open their minds, open their heads. So I guess you crack their skulls open.
Objectivist Living
Posted 17 November 2010 - 09:56 AM
I have also fought against picket lines when the Communists were using the unions to bring down the US. You know the old communist union slogan, “If you can’t open their minds, open their heads.”