“If it ain’t burnt, momma didn’t cook it”
‘If it ain’t burnt, momma didn’t cook it” (or, “If it ain’t burnt, momma didn’t make it”) is a saying that’s been on signs since at least 2003. The Saltgrass steakhouse has an ‘If it ain’t burnt, momma didn’t cook it” sign displayed. Shirley’s Burnt Biscuit Bakery in Marathon, Texas, has an “If it ain’t burnt, Mama didn’t bake it” sign.
Audio Asylum Thread Printer
Houston is Central time…...Had a late dinner - rcrump 21:29:48 11/18/03 (2)
In Reply to: Re: First two died of poison mushrooms, the third posted by Neil49 on November 18, 2003 at 21:18:12:
over at the Salt Grass Saloon…....Their motto is “If it ain’t burnt then Mama didn’t cook it” They also have a sign that says “All gamblers and fancy women need to register with the captain”
Poor Richard Web Press
Jan Karon’s Mitford Cookbook and Kitchen Reader: Recipes from Mitford Cooks, Favorite Tales from Mitford Books
by: Jan Karon, Martha McIntosh
October 21, 2004
Seller: Neil’s Bibles and Books, Rating: 5.0
Condition: new
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days; From: ,
Comments: Never been used. I just collect cookbooks, because at my house it is said that if it ain’t burnt momma didn’t cook it.
GU Forums
That is exactly like my mother…she can cook just fine but for some reason the microwave kicks her butt everytime. Which I why I got her a sign and hung it over the oven that says “If it ain’t burnt, momma didn’t cook it”.
Google Books
Funky to Fabulous:
Surefire Success Strategies for the Savvy, Sassy and Swamped
By Eli Davidson
Beverly Hills, CA: Oak Grove Pub
Pg. 122:
I have a hand-carved sign in my kitchen that says, “If it ain’t burnt Momma didn’t cook it.”
Winter Texan’ Winnies
Monday, November 26, 2007
Big Bend to Del Rio
The other draw to this small town was Shirley’s Burnt Biscuit Bakery. Early Monday morning that was our stop before leaving town. As we enjoyed our baked goodies and coffee, the waitress took our picture. The sign on the wall says: “If it ain’t burnt, Momma didn’t make it”
(The sign in the picture appears to read, “If it ain’t burnt, Mama didn’t bake it.”—ed.)
The Huffington Post
Eli Davidson
“If it ain’t burnt..Mama didn’t cook it.” is the hand carved sign that has hung in my kitchen for years.
Posted 12:40 PM on 8/17/2009