“If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a Senator”

“If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a Senator” is a women’s rights saying that has been printed on many images. “If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a Senator” was posted on Twitter by Irin Carmon on February 28, 2011. The signed was displayed at a “Walk For Choice” march on February 26, 2011.
The pro-choice saying received national attention when Oklahoma state senator Judy McIntyre (D) protested the Oklahoma Personhood Bill on February 28, 2012. McIntyre posed for photographs with a sign that another protester had made: “If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a Senator.”
The 70 Best Walk For Choice Signs From Across The Country
A collection of awesome protest signs from Saturday’s pro-choice rallies. I think the Kanye sign is my favorite.

posted on February 27, 2011 at 12:41pm EST
Matt Stopera
BuzzFeed Staff
Irin Carmon
“If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a Senator.” http://bzfd.it/hUPJ6o
3:25 PM - 28 Feb 2011
The Best Walk for Choice Signs from Across the Country
Feb 28, 2011, 1:39pm Brady Swenson
We’ve got to admit that we are impressed with the wit, creativity and incisiveness of the pro-choice community’s signs at Walk for Choice rallies across the country this past Saturday.
Elizabeth M.
Best Walk For Choice signs from this weekend: http://bit.ly/g94u9L  My favorite: “If I wanted the government in my womb I’d fuck a senator.”
11:23 PM - 3 Mar 2011
favourite PRO CHOICE sign ever : “If i wanted the government in my womb i’d fuck a senator”
1:13 AM - 8 Apr 2011
POLITICS 02/29/2012 03:03 pm ET Updated Mar 01, 2012
Oklahoma Personhood Bill Ignites Feminist Movement
By Laura Bassett
Oklahoma Sen. Judy McIntyre (D), one of four women in the 48-member state Senate, looked out over a sea of homemade signs at a fetal personhood protest at the state Capitol on Tuesday and spotted one that she wanted to hold herself.
“If I wanted the government in my womb,” the sign said in painted blue letters, “I’d fuck a Senator.”
At the risk of offending some of her mostly male Republican colleagues, who recently voted to pass a controversial fetal personhood bill, she grabbed the sign and posed with it for photos.
Raw Story
Oklahoma state senator’s sign: ‘If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d f*ck a senator’
02 MAR 2012 AT 09:44 ET
t a recent rally against a so-called “personhood” bill currently favored by Oklahoma lawmakers, state senator Judy McIntyre (D) was photographed holding a sign that read: “IF I WANTED THE GOVERNMENT IN MY WOMB, I’D FUCK A SENATOR.”
Explaining to a local reporter that she’d just borrowed the sign from a protester, she remarked: “I was like, I’ve got to have a picture of it.”
The protest, held Wednesday at the University of Oklahoma, took issue with a so-called “personhood” bill that would define human life as beginning at conception, effectively banning all abortions.
American Airlines Rejects Female Passenger Because Political Pro-Choice T-Shirt is “Inappropriate”
May 22, 2012, 9:29pm Jodi Jacobson
That sign said: “If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a senator.”The t-shirt is the now-popularized version of a sign held by Oklahoma state senator Judy McIntyre (D) at a pro-choice rally in early March to protest Oklahoma’s so-called personhood law, which in conferring the rights of a living, breathing person on a fertilized egg denies all rights of personhood of women, full stop.
Animal Helper 🌐
American Airlines kept woman off plane becuz her t-shirt said “If I wanted the Government to be in my Womb, I’d Fuck A Senator” #LoserAir
4:30 PM - 24 May 2012
If i wanted the government in my womb id go screw a senator.
10:22 PM - 3 Nov 2013
20 Craziest Pro-Abortion Signs At SCOTUS the Media Won’t Show You
20. “If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d bang a senator.”
Bobbi Giordano-Field
@JohnKasich if I wanted the government in my womb, I’d screw a politician #thedames #thatsonyou #ourfirsttweetin
7:03 PM - 14 Dec 2016
Belfast (Northern Ireland) Telegraph
Rally for Choice loudly demand their ‘rights’... but just who will speak up for the unborn child?
The group’s crude protest made no mention of the two lives at stake in the abortion debate, writes Nelson McCausland

October 19 2017
One young woman carried a placard with the message, “If I wanted the Government in my womb, I’d sleep with an MLA”.
24 March 2015, Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland), “We need to talk about abortion: No conversation about abortion is complete without a celebration of the magnificent plenitude of conception, pregnancy and motherhood, writes Nell McCafferty,” pg. 17:
The International Women’s Day demonstrations, March 8th 2017, calling for the repeal of the Eighth, illustrate the point definitively. The first demonstration on O’Connell Street bridge had a young woman holding aloft a placard that declared: “If I wanted the Government in my womb, I’d f**k a Senator.” I pointed out officiously that she surely meant a male senator, and was told to “f**k off”.
One of my favorite #signs at today’s #WomensMarchLA:
If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d f#ck a senator.
7:32 PM - 19 Jan 2019