“If DEI is a good thing, why do they get upset when you call someone a DEI hire?”

In July 2024, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris replaced President Joe Biden on the Democrat ticket for President for the 2024 election. Some Republicans called her a “DEI hire,” and Democrats took offense to this. This was posted on X/Twitter by Jack Poso on July 24, 2024, and received over 60,000 likes:
“If DEI is a good thing, why are they upset when you call someone a DEI hire?”
The saying has been printed on several images.
Similar sayings had been used earlier in 2024. “If DEI is a good thing, why are you offended by the claim by us that Gay was a DEI hire?” was posted on X/Twitter by P3 Driver on January 4, 2024. “If dei is a good thing why is it an insult?” was posted on X/Twitter by John Cocktoastin on May 22, 2024. “If DEI is a good thing, why is saying a hire is a DEI one a bad thing?” was posted on X/Twitter by Gandalf The Grey on July 7, 2024.
Wikipedia:  Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are organizational frameworks which seek to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people, particularly groups who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination on the basis of identity or disability. These three notions (diversity, equity, and inclusion) together represent “three closely linked values” which organizations seek to institutionalize through DEI frameworks.
P3 Driver 🇺🇲2020 was stolen🇮🇱
Martina blows your “logic” out of the water.
If DEI is a good thing, why are you offended by the claim by us that Gay was a DEI hire?
Hilarious, moron
Martina Shantez
Jan 4
Replying to @TheRevAl and @NationalAction
So, you are leading a protest to support DEI. But even though you support DEI, you are angry at the suggestion that Gay is a DEI hire? You realize that if you support DEI, you should probably support DEI hires. Youre not making any sense.
9:44 PM · Jan 4, 2024
John Cocktoastin
If dei is a good thing why is it an insult?
7:42 PM · May 22, 2024
Jim Martin
if dei is a good thing, why is this offensive. and isn’t dei just repackaged affirmative action?
8:50 AM · Jul 7, 2024
Gandalf The Grey
If DEI is a good thing, why is saying a hire is a DEI one a bad thing? If somebody was a “merit hire”, would they be upset?
12:10 PM · Jul 7, 2024
xoℲ ʎpu∀
If DEI is a good thing why can’t we acknowledge and celebrate its recipients?
Gavin Newsom
Jul 6
1 - @JoeBiden is our next President.
2 - This is straight up racist.
3:40 PM · Jul 7, 2024
James David
If DEI is a good thing, why is being called a DEI hire a bad thing? (Psst…. Everyone knows the answer)
4:10 PM · Jul 7, 2024
Anti Oomer-Gray Nunya Bees-Niss
If DEI is a good thing, why aren’t more people proud of being DEI hires? 🤔
11:54 PM · Jul 22, 2024
Enrico Palazzo
If DEI is a good thing why would calling her a DEI hire be seen as a slight?
7:35 PM · Jul 23, 2024
No class like school in the Summer
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Jul 23
What women who attack others like this don’t realize is whoever they think they’re appealing to calls them “DEI” too the moment they leave the room. x.com/joshrultnews/s…
9:38 PM · Jul 23, 2024
Jack Poso 🇺🇸
If DEI is a good thing, why are they upset when you call someone a DEI hire?
2:20 AM · Jul 24, 2024
Liberal Lunacy
July 24, 2024 at 6:38 AM ·
If DEI is a good thing, why do they get upset when you call someone a DEI hire?
If DEI is a good thing, why are they upset when you call someone a DEI hire?  Can’t change this 3yr old narrative now when it doesn’t suit you!!!
10:51 AM · Jul 24, 2024
Juan Piece
Biden said it very clearly when he chose her.
Also, it’s funny that Dems support DEI but then get upset when you call someone a DEI hire! If DEI is good, why get upset about it.
But i agree it doesn’t really matter. We know now that Biden was a puppet & Harris would be one too
4:19 PM · Jul 24, 2024
warren white
If DEI is a good thing, why are they upset when you call someone a DEI hire?
Sooooo… DEI is good, organizations say they are DEI conforming, but there are no DEI hires?
DEI is a racist anti-meritocracy cancer.
3:49 AM · Jul 26, 2024
American Woman 🇺🇸
If DEI is a good thing, then why do they get upset when you call someone a DEI hire?
11:46 AM · Jul 29, 2024
Bob Kostic
If #DEI is a good thing why do they get upset when you call someone a DEI hire?
5:26 PM · Jul 29, 2024