“If alcohol is liquid courage, is caffeine liquid anxiety?”

Alcohol has frequently been called “liquid courage.”
Caffeine has sometimes been called “liquid anxiety.” “Consuming large amounts of caffeinated drinks is like drinking liquid anxiety,” wrote Dr. John Boghosian Arden in The Heal Your Anxiety Workbook (2009).
“If alcohol is liquid courage, is caffeine liquid anxiety?” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on August 9, 2017.
“If alcohol is liquid courage, then coffee must be liquid motivation” is a related saying.
Urban Dictionary 
liquid courage
Any alcoholic beverage that turns a person mean, brave or excited.
Named for the instant burst of courage (and often stupidity) that comes from drinking it.
Before I stomp a mudhole in this dude’s ass, I’m gonna need some liquid courage.
by Denis Baldwin February 03, 2004
Google Books
The Heal Your Anxiety Workbook
By John Boghosian Arden
Boston, MA: Fair Winds Press
Pg. 53:
Consuming large amounts of caffeinated drinks is like drinking liquid anxiety.
30 Day Challenge: March
No Caffeine.
“Large amounts of caffeine is like consuming liquid anxiety”
- John B. Arden, Ph.D
3:03 PM - 28 Feb 2012
allie mullin 📸‏
Caffeine in my body is basically liquid anxiety. I feel awful.
7:29 AM - 10 Dec 2015
Anxious Thoughts‏
Caffeine is basically liquid anxiety,  but does that keep me from drinking coffee? Of course not. #anxiety
9:34 AM - 29 May 2016
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
If alcohol is liquid courage, is caffeine liquid anxiety?
submitted August 9, 2017 by allpowerfulsharkgod
ShowerThoughts Bot‏
If alcohol is liquid courage, is caffeine liquid anxiety?  #showerthoughts
8:46 PM - 9 Aug 2017
Caffeine = Liquid Anxiety
Alcohol = Liquid Courage
10:04 PM - 9 Aug 2017
Branden Cohen‏
If alcohol is liquid courage, is caffeine liquid anxiety?
10:06 PM - 9 Aug 2017