“I’d enjoy summer a lot more if someone came by hourly and misted me like produce”

“I’d enjoy summer a lot more if someone came by hourly and misted me like produce” is a jocular saying that has been printed on several images. The saying was posted on X/Twitter by SmthrfcknY on July 30, 2013.
I’d enjoy summer a lot more if someone came by hourly and misted me like produce
7:11 PM · Jul 30, 2013
I’d enjoy summer much more if someone came by hourly and ‘misted’ me like produce #ItsSoHotOutHere #NeedACorona
4:01 PM · Aug 9, 2013
Lady Frida Funflaps
I’d enjoy this sticky weather a lot more if someone came by hourly and misted me like produce.
2:58 PM · Sep 4, 2013
Hannah Rose May
I’d enjoy summer a lot more if someone came by and misted me like produce. 😅 #notMadeForHeat… https://instagram.com/p/BJti9JkAnkb/
7:53 PM · Aug 29, 2016
Heatherlynn Jenkins
I would enjoy summer a whole lot more if someone came by hourly and misted me like produce.
1:26 PM · Sep 7, 2016
America’s Best Pics & Videos
5 sep 2021
I’d enjoy Summer a lot more if someone came by hourly and misted me like produce
Scot Rathert
I’d like summer a lot better if someone came around every hour or so to mist me like produce.
12:55 AM · Aug 5, 2022
23 July 2023
I’d enjoy summer a lot more if someone came by hourly and misted me like produce.
More Crazy Stuff
July 29, 2023 at 6:00 AM ·
(The following text is shown on an image.—ed.)
I’d enjoy summer a lot more
if someone came by hourly
and misted me like produce.