“I wish there was a chess player named Richard. Everything he does would be a Dick move”
A “dick move” is a contemptibly cruel or selfish action. It doesn’t involve a “dick” making a chess move, but there have been several jokes.
“Penis-shaped figures on a chess board. Any move I make would probably be considered a ‘dick move’” was posted on Twitter on April 18, 2011. “My friend and I are playing chess with penis shaped pieces. He just made a dick move” was posted on Twitter on October 30, 2012.
“I wish there was a chess player named Richard, because then everything he does would be a Dick move” was posted on Twitter on December 2, 2013.
Oxford Dictionaries
dick move
vulgar slang
A contemptibly cruel or selfish action.
‘coercing people to work on a national holiday is a dick move’
Alice Scarlet Eidson
Penis-shaped figures on a chess board. Any move I make would probably be considered a “dick move” How can I live w myself!?
10:07 PM - 18 Apr 2011
name cannot be blank
My friend and I are playing chess with penis shaped pieces.
He just made a dick move.
11:17 AM - 30 Oct 2012
Ross Leslie, him with the kids and the autism
Playing my pal at chess and he just used his penis to move his bishop and put me in checkmate! Not happy at all! What a DICK MOVE!
12:51 PM - 25 Nov 2013
gerry hall
I wish there was a chess player named Richard, because then everything he does would be a Dick move.
2:49 PM - 2 Dec 2013
Molesto the Clown
Richard Réti was a Czechoslovak chess player who’s moves were so good they began calling his every move a “Dick move”
5:55 PM - 27 Jul 2014 from Oklahoma, USA
fran 🐍
*moves dildo across a chess board*
idk man that seemed like a pretty dick move
6:51 AM - 19 Aug 2014
I played chess with a set of phallic pieces
the whole game was just one dick move after another
5:43 PM - 20 Feb 2015
A.J. Smith
Was playing chess last night with Kasparov when used his used his crotch to push his rook to e6. That was kind of a dick move.
3:49 PM - 20 Oct 2015
First time I played chess with sexually shaped pieces… self.3amjokes
Submitted December 16, 2017 by apetbrz
It was a dick move.