“I wish I was rich” (genie joke)

A genie traiditionally grants three wishes. A joke on “I want to be rich” was posted on Twitter on November 20, 2016.
double fro 7
Genie: what is your first wish
Joe: i want to be rich
Genie: granted. and what is your second wish
Rich: i want lots of money
8:18 PM - 30 Nov 2016
Samantha Dowd
Genie: Whats your first wish? via /r/Jokes
Dave: I wish I was rich.
Genie: Granted, what’s your second wish?
Rich: I want lots of money.
11:45 PM - 10 Dec 2016
Genie: Whats your first wish?
submitted December 11, 2016 by IWantYourJewGold
Dave: I wish I was rich.
Genie: Granted, what’s your second wish?
Rich: I want lots of money.
Genie: What’s your 1st wish?
Steve: I wish I was rich.
Genie: What’s your 2nd wish?
Rich: I want lots of money.
#funny #jokes
4:12 PM - 12 Dec 2016