“I wish I could do stand-up comedy, but I always punch up the fuckline”

“Punch up the fuckline” is a spoonerism for “fuck up the punchline.” “My mates tell me that I’m shit at telling jokes. I always punch up the fuck line” was posted on Twitter by Sickipedia_Feed on September 10, 2011. “That awkward moment when you try to tell a joke but you punch up the fuckline” was posted on Twitter on February 1, 2012.
“Why can’t dyslexics tell jokes? They always punch up the fuckline” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on May 7, 2016. “I wish I could do stand up but I always punch up the fuckline” was posted on Twitter by John on March 14, 2018.
My mates tell me that I’m shit at telling jokes.
I always punch up the fuck line. http://bit.ly/omUNNq
4:24 AM - 10 Sep 2011
Luke Wilkes
Being told you’re crap at jokes cos you always punch up the fuckline.
8:46 PM - 10 Sep 2011
Melanie Freixedas
i’m always being told i’m crap at jokes cos i always punch up the fuckline.
7:40 AM - 12 Sep 2011
Sean Gaylor
That awkward moment when you try to tell a joke but you punch up the fuckline.
9:06 AM - 1 Feb 2012
I hate being dyslexic. I always seems to punch up the fuckline
11:45 AM - 18 Apr 2012
Sarcastic Wonka
That awkward moment when you tell a joke and punch up the fuckline.
7:40 PM - 30 Nov 2012
Don’t you hate it when
submitted June 7, 2015 by PhillipOlliverholes
you punch up the fuckline?
I usually like telling jokes,
submitted August 20, 2015 by SwiggitySwagKerman
But I always seem to punch up the fuckline.
When you tell a joke and punch up the fuckline
by Weeesnaww via iPhoneApr 7 2016
Why can’t dyslexics tell jokes?
submitted May 7, 2016 by KabuCenti
They always punch up the fuckline.
Shit Jokes
Why can’t dyslexics tell jokes?
They always punch up the fuckline.
12:53 PM - 13 May 2016
Why can’t dyslexics tell jokes?
submitted November 24, 2016 by OveraHype
They always punch up the fuckline.
I wish I could actually do stand up. Problem is I always punch up the fuckline
7:35 PM - 13 Feb 2018
I wish I could do stand up but I always punch up the fuckline
7:10 PM - 14 Mar 2018