“I went fishing today with my two friends, Rod and Annette”

Who’s the best couple to go fishing with? Rod and Annette (a net), of course!
“What do you call a Genestealer and a Sister of Battle fishing? Rod and Annette” was posted on the newsgroup rec.games.miniatures.warhammer on August 15, 1997. “WHAT do you call a husband and wife fishing together? Rod and Annette” was printed in a 2009 newspaper.
“What do you call two men hanging from a window?”/“Kurt n Rod” is a riddle with two similar apt names.
Google Groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer
Humor]Re: Genestealer Cult Tanks
Andrew George
What do you call a Genestealer and a Sister of Battle fishing?
Rod and Annette
The Telegraph (London, UK)
Diary: Hadden is caught hook line and sinker
The weighing room wind up continues to provide entertainment.

By Marcus Armytage
8:09PM GMT 23 Mar 2009
He was sitting in the changing room at Taunton recently when one of his more senior colleagues, Mattie Bachelor, wandered back in from weighing out. “Hadden,” he said earnestly (I imagine he finds this hard to do with his cheeky chappie man-about-Brighton sense of humour.) “There are a couple just outside the weighing room called Rod and Annette who’d like to see you. They say they knew you when you were little and taught you to fish.”
20 October 2009, The Sun (London, UK), “Have a Laugh!,” pg. 29:
ANNA HUNT Stockport
WHAT do you call a husband and wife fishing together? Rod and Annette.
Steven Winterburn‏
What do you call a man and woman who love fishing….Rod & Annette
2:28 AM - 22 Oct 2009
Steven Winterburn‏
What do you call a man & woman who like fishing - Rod and Annette
3:23 AM - 30 Jan 2010
I went fishing with a couple of friends the other day. I don’t know if you know them… Rod and Annette.
3:50 AM - 18 Jun 2010
Graham Bowcock‏
Couple out fishing - Rod and Annette.
1:24 PM - 22 Dec 2010
Jon Wilkins‏
Right. Finance Head’s #shitjokeoftheday. “There’s a couple live by us that love going fishing - Rod & Annette” That’s one of his better ones
6:03 AM - 14 Jan 2011
Caron Pittman‏
Whats the names of the couple who both like to fish?
Rod and Annette
9:39 AM - 16 Dec 2011
Ady Twiner‏
Replying to @nuge101235
@nuge101235 who are the best two friends to take fishing…..?
Rod and Annette !!
5:33 PM - 28 Sep 2012
Google Books
New Jokes 4 Kids Joke Book
By Paul Gwilliam
Lulu Press (Lulu.com)
Pg. ?:
What do you call a husband and wife who fish together?
Rod and Annette.
Google Books
Oor Wullie:
The Big Bucket of Laughs Joke Book

By Oor Wullie
London, UK: Black & White Publishing
Pg. ?:
What do you call a boy and girl fishing together?
Oor Wullie: Rod and Annette!
Shit Jokes‏
I went fishing today with my two friends…
Rod & Annette
12:04 PM - 20 Nov 2017