“I was going to tell a finance joke, but then again, it would bear no interest to you”

A finance joke was posted on Reddit—Oneliners on September 29, 2017:
“I was going to tell a finance joke, but then again, it would bear no interest to you.”
I was going to tell a finance joke, but then again, it would bear no interest to you. (self.oneliners)
submitted September 29, 2017 by sylphvanas
LOL Tweets™‏
I was going to tell a finance joke, but then again, it would bear no interest to you.
10:29 AM - 29 Sep 2017
Funny One Line Jokes‏
I was going to tell a finance joke, but then again, it would bear no interest to you.
11:20 AM - 29 Sep 2017