“I was accused of illegally downloading the entire Wikipedia. I said I could explain everything”

Can Wikipedia explain everything? A joke was posted on Reddit—Jokes on March 9, 2015:
“I was accused of illegally downloading the entirety of Wikipedia. I told them I could explain everything.”
Posted by u/eninc March 9, 2015
I was accused of illegally downloading the entirety of Wikipedia
I told them I could explain everything
marja tikkanen
I was accused of illegally downloading the entirety of Wikipedia
I told them I could explain everything
2:57 PM - 9 Mar 2015 from Oulu, Suomi
I was accused of illegally downloading the entirety of #Wikipedia. I told them I could explain everything
2:47 AM - 10 Mar 2015
Amy Craig
I was accused of illegally downloading the entirety of Wikipedia I told them I could explain everything   #jokes
8:16 PM - 10 Mar 2015
Posted by u/porichoygupto November 6, 2018
The cops are questioning me about illegally downloading the entirety of Wikipedia.
I said, “I can explain everything.”
Posted by u/porichoygupto November 12, 2018
“You are under arrest for downloading the whole of Wikipedia!”
“Wait, I can explain everything.”
Posted by u/porichoygupto April 26, 2019
Cop: I’m arresting you for illegally downloading the entire Wikipedia!
Man: Wait, I can explain everything!
By laffgaff May 7, 2019
Downloading Wikipedia Joke
Officer: “I’m arresting you for downloading the entire Wikipedia.”
Man: “No wait! I can explain everything!”