“I look fat. Please say something nice.”/“You have perfect eyesight.”

A fat joke is:
WIFE (looking in the mirror): I look fat. Please give me a compliment.
HUSBAND: You have perfect eyesight.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 2003 and has been printed on several images.
Google Groups: alt.support.anxiety-panic.moderated
OT - Grounds for divorce?
Woman standing naked in front of bedroom mirror turns to her husband and says: ” I look fat, ugly and horrible, pay me a compliment”
Husband replies “Well your eyesight is spot on”
Google Groups: uk.local.nw-england
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
A woman is standing in the nude looking in the bedroom mirror. She says to her husband “I look fat and ugly, pay me a compliment”. He replies “your eyesight’s spot on”.
28 May 2004, The Daily Mirror (London, UK), “Greg’s Giggle: Our resident comic’s joke of the day,” pg. 50:
A NAKED woman looks in the bedroom mirror and says to her husband: “I look fat and ugly, can you please pay me a compliment?” Her husband replies: “Well, your eyesight’s spot on!”
Friend: I look fat, ugly and out of shape and need to color my hair. Give me a compliment.
Me: You have perfect eyesight (?)
9:20 AM - 22 Jul 2009
Wife looks in mirror & says “I look fat & ugly. Please say something nice about me.” Husband: “You have a perfect eyesight”
11:42 PM - 8 Jun 2011
Jacqueline Croasdale
The Wife, “I look fat and ugly, say something nice to me Husband.”
Husband replied, “You’ve perfect eyesight!” That’s how the fight started!
8:43 PM - 16 Jul 2012
Wife looks in mirror
Wife: I look fat! Dear I need a compliment to make me happy
Husband: you got perfect eyesight
4:59 AM - 10 Mar 2013
Google Books
Chuckle, Giggle, Snort!: Quips
Collected By Karen Money Williams
Lulu Publishing (Lulu.com)
Pg. ?:
A woman, standing in front of her bedroom mirror: “I feel horrible. I look fat and ugly. Pay me a compliment.” Her husband: “Your eyesight is perfect.” (He never heard the shot.)
Wife: “I look fat. Can you give me a compliment?” Husband: “You have perfect eyesight.”
submitted September 10, 2015 by jecky45
Google Books
101 Jokes
By Phillip McQueen
Pg. ?:
Wife: “I look fat. Can you give me a compliment?”
Husband: “You have perfect eyesight.”
Google Books
Family Jokes
By Jeo King
London: Marine Publishing
Pg. ?:
Wife: “I look fat. Can you give me a compliment?”
Husband: “You have perfect eyesight.”