“I kiss better than I cook”

“Kiss the cook” is an old food saying. “I kiss better than I cook” is a saying that has been on T-shirts, refrigerator magnets and other gift items since at least 2002. “...and I’m a good cook” is sometimes added to the end of the “I kiss better than I cook” saying.
Google Groups: uk.misc
Newsgroups: uk.misc
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Sam Nelson)
Date: 21 Nov 2002 11:49:45 GMT
Local: Thurs, Nov 21 2002 6:49 am
Subject: Re: Where in the world
KM’s fridge notices:
- You Can’t Scare Me—-I Have Children
- I Kiss Better Than I Cook[0]
- I Don’t Want It All—-I Want It All Covered In Whipped Cream And Chocolate
Google Groups: alt.usenet.legends.duab
Newsgroups: alt.usenet.legends.duab
From: Angel

Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 12:48:17 +0100
Local: Thurs, Jul 17 2003 6:48 am
Subject: Re: Optical illusion
Having said that I feel compelled to admit that I don’t cook that well, but as my fridge magnet says…
I kiss better than I cook 😉
Google Books
Dark House
By Theresa Monsour
New York, NY: Berkley Books
Pg. 111:
Clancy stepped into the bedroom doorway wearing a barbecue apron — i KISS BETTER THAN I COOK — and nothing else.
6 February 2005, Paris (TX) News, pg. 101 (advertising supplement):
“Kiss The Cook” or “I Kiss Better Than I Cook”
Google Books
A Bigger Life: an Eden Plain novel
By Annette Gail Smith
Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress
Pg. 57:
I came home to a warm kitchen and the sight of my wife wearing an apron that said, “I kiss better than I cook.”