“I have a Supreme Court figure—no appeal”

The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States; there is no appeal of its decisions. “Tom Howard of ‘It Pays to Be Ignorant’ said that Lulu McConnell has a supreme court figure—‘no appeal’ was printed in the Milwaukee (WI) Journal on May 23, 1948.
“Steve Allen knows a girl who has a Supreme Court figure: no appeal!” was printed in the book The Life of the Party: A new collection of stories and anecdotes (1959) by Bennett Cerf. The “Supreme Court figure—no appeal” joke has been told by many comedians.
Google Books
Printers’ Ink
Volume 202
1943 (This Google Books date might be incorrect.—ed.)
Pg. 78:
A WELL-KNOWN radio gagster once remarked, “She has a supreme court figure.” “How’s that?” inquired his colleague. “No appeal,” was the reply, “no appeal.”
23 May 1948, Milwaukee (WI) Journal, “Funny Business: Radio and Movie Chuckles,” Magazine sec., pg. 15, col. 2:
Tom Howard of “It Pays to Be Ignorant” said that Lulu McConnell has a supreme court figure—“no appeal.”
21 December 1949, The Evening Sun (Baltimore, MD), pg. 33, col. 3:
Gob Humor
[From the Dayse Sheet, Bremerton Group. Pacific Reserve Fleet, Bremerton, Wash.]
“She has blond hair, blue yes and a Supreme Court figure.”
“What do you mean…a Supreme Court figure.”
“No appeal.”
21 October 1951, Chicago (IL) Sunday Tribune, “Radio-TV Gag Bag” bulled by Larry Wolters, Magazine sec., pg. 17, col. 2:
Judy Canova: Pedro, didn’t your old girl have a nice figure, too?
Pedro: Senorita, she had a Supreme Court figure.
Judy: What in the world is that?
Pedro: No appeal!
Google Books
The Life of the Party:
A new collection of stories and anecdotes

By Bennett Cerf
Garden City, NY: Garden City Books
Pg. 195:
Steve Allen knows a girl who has a Supreme Court figure: no appeal!
Google Books
Pregnancy Survival Guide:
How to cope with the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy

By Elizabeth M. Whelan
New York, NY: Golden Press; Racine, WI: Western Pub. Co.
1984, ©1978
Pg. 122:
As one women described it, “I’m beginning to feel like I have a Supreme Court figure — no appeal.”
Google Books
Milton Berle’s Private Joke File:
Over 10,000 of His Best Gags, Anecdotes, and One-liners

By Milton Berle
Edited by Milt Rosen
New York, NY: Three Rivers Press
Pg. 261:
She has a Supreme Court figure—no appeal!
Google Books
5,000 Great One Liners
Compiled by Grant Tucker
London, UK: Biteback Publishing
Pg. ?:
I have a Supreme Court figure: no appeal.
Reddit—Dad Jokes
I’ve been told I have a Supreme Court figure. (self.dadjokes)
submitted October 12, 2018 by electric_leper
No appeal