“I eat the same Indian bread as everyone else. I’m a naan conformist”

“Naan” sounds like “non” and has been used in several “naan conformist” puns. “One of said friends was pigging out on the Indian bread, so I immediately accused him of being a ‘naan-conformist’” was posted on the newsgroup alt.cuddle on November 16, 2003.
“My cousin eats only Indian bread because his friends do. He’s a naan-conformist” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on November 12, 2017.
Wikipedia: Naan
Naan is a leavened, oven-baked flatbread found in the cuisines of Central Asia and South Asia.
Google Groups: alt.cuddle
Ward Burrows
*sigh*  For some reason my friends just don’t appreciate my talents.  Indeed, they have gone so far as to claim the following two situations are pummelable offenses;  what do you think?
Offense #1:  I was out last night to dinner with a group of friends.  They introduced me to a great Indian place, and I tried the vindaloo.  Yummy!  Warm is good.  One of said friends was pigging out on the Indian bread, so I immediately accused him of being a “naan-conformist”.
Matt Wilkie‏
I was wary about this Indian bread at first, but now I’m a naan conformist.
7:27 PM - 30 Sep 2011
Joshua Savage‏
Really loving this Indian bread. I’m a naan-conformist…
11:14 AM - 6 Aug 2012
Connor McSpadden‏
I just tried some Indian bread and I think I’m becoming a naan conformist.
3:08 PM - 27 Oct 2012
I’ve decided not to eat regular white/brown/wholemeal loaves, just Indian bread : I’m a naan-conformist…
1:49 AM - 8 Oct 2013
Eating the same old Indian bread as everyone else, huh? What’re you, some kind of naan-conformist?
9:04 PM - 17 Feb 2014
Jeremy Warner‏
My son refuses to eat his bread with his chicken tikka masala. What a naan conformist.
9:02 PM - 19 Apr 2015
My cousin eats only Indian bread because his friends do.
submitted November 12, 2017 by eastbayted
He’s a naan-conformist.