“I don’t see why there aren’t marches against fat shaming…” (joke)

A joke about marches—and fat people—was posted on Reddit—Jokes on August 19, 2017:
“I don’t see why in this day and age there aren’t marches against fat shaming. Because marches would definitely solve the problem.”
I don’t see why in this day and age there aren’t marches against fat shaming
submitted August 19, 2017 by itzbrucebanner
Because marches would definitely solve the problem.
Brian Hayes‏
I don’t see why in this day and age there aren’t marches against fat shaming
9:47 PM - 18 Aug 2017 (Posted after the above.—ed.)
Lizeth Walton‏
I don’t see why in this day and age there aren’t marches against fat shaming
9:57 PM - 18 Aug 2017
Tyrell Kline‏
I don’t see why in this day and age there aren’t marches against fat shaming
10:04 PM - 18 Aug 2017
Aileen David‏
I don’t see why in this day and age there aren’t marches against fat shaming
10:25 PM - 18 Aug 2017