“I don’t know what the big deal is about Black Friday. All Fridays matter”

Black Friday is a busy shopping day after Thanksgiving; it has nothing to do with 19th century slaves (a false etymology) or current African Americans. However, many people have used the Black Lives Matter activist message and made it more universal regarding Black Friday, joking that “All Fridays matter.”
“There’s probably a bigoted white American somewhere, saying “‘Black Friday’? Why not ‘White Friday’? All Fridays matter!!!”” was posted on Twitter on November 27, 2014. “All Fridays matter” was also posted on Twitter on November 27, 2014. A Saturday Night Live comedy sketch on November 21, 2015 had a dim-witted Fox & Friends television host say:
“Why are we giving special treatment to Black Friday? I’m just gonna come out & say it: All Fridays Matter!”
“I don’t know what the big deal is about Black Friday. All Fridays matter” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on November 25, 2015. The “All Fridays matter” joke has been printed on many images.
There’s probably a bigoted white American somewhere, saying “‘Black Friday’? Why not ‘White Friday’? All Fridays matter!!!”
3:41 PM - 27 Nov 2014
Plymouth Ock‏
“All Fridays matter”
11:04 PM - 27 Nov 2014
Patrick Hazlewood‏
Major retailer proves that even #BlackFridays matter! Will @BernieSanders say all Fridays matter & promise to close all stores on Fridays?
9:23 PM - 26 Oct 2015
Amir Safi‏
Have people come out to say All Fridays Matter in response to Black Friday yet?
12:23 PM - 2 Nov 2015
Im protesting at the mall on black Friday because I feel that all Fridays matter and we should have those 💣 deals every Friday #BlackFriday
8:44 PM - 18 Nov 2015
Google Groups: alt.usage.english
Black Friday    
>Black Fridays Matter.
>(Someone had to say it.)
All Fridays Matter.
“Why are we giving special treatment to Black Friday? I’m just gonna come out & say it: All Fridays Matter!” -Fake Elizabeth Hasselbeck #SNL
10:55 PM - 21 Nov 2015
22 November 2015, The Daily Beast (New York, NY), “SNL’s Ben Carson Trashes Syrian Refugees in Idiotic Fashion” by Matt Wilstein:
It was a special Thanksgiving edition of Fox & Friends during the cold open of Saturday Night Live this week, but all the hosts wanted to talk about were the Syrian refugees who are almost definitely not trying to sneak across the Mexican border into the U.S.
The host kicked things off by showing exclusive video footage of a “crazed mob of Syrian refugees” entering the country, before they realized it was actually just Walmart shoppers on Black Friday.
“Why are we supposed to give special treatment to black Fridays?” Vanessa Bayer’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked. In her opinion, “All Fridays Matter.”
I don’t know what the big deal is about Black Friday. All Fridays matter.
submitted November 25, 2015 by LiveFromJupiterx2
Google Groups: rec.music,dylan  
Re: Repost: Happy(American)Thanksgiving (& Dylna Query)
Just Kidding
>The credo of the land this time of year: Black Friday Matters.
All Fridays matter!
I don’t know what the big deal is about Black Friday.
submitted November 24, 2017 by BookerGinger
All Fridays matter.