“I come from a long line of conga dancers”

A dancer doing some genealogy might pun:
“I come from a long line of conga dancers.”
The joke was cited on Sickipedia in 2010 and was first cited on Twitter on March 28, 2010.
Wikipedia: Conga line
The conga line is a novelty dance that was derived from the Cuban carnival dance of the same name and became popular in the US in the 1930s and 1950s. The dancers form a long, processing line, which would usually turn into a circle. It has three shuffle steps on the beat, followed by a kick that is slightly ahead of the fourth beat. The conga, a term mistakenly believed to be derived from the African region of Congo, is both a lyrical and danceable genre, rooted in the music of carnival troupes or comparsas.
I come from a long line of conga dancers.
Joke added 5 years, 10 months ago by cheeky in Other > Dance
Stuart Green
I come from a long line of conga dancers.
1:36 PM - 28 Mar 2010
david darbyshire
Ive been tracing my family tree and ive just found out that i come from a long line of conga dancers!
2:44 PM - 28 Mar 2010
Google Books
The Mammoth Book of One-Liners
By Geoff Tibballs
London: Constable & Robinson Ltd.
Pg. ?:
I come from a long line of conga dancers.
The Hinckley Times (UK)
A Lighter Look at Life: Bored of the dance
15:30, 5 MAR 2014
I say that as someone not cursed with two left feet - I come from a long line of conga dancers.