Huevos Rancheros (Ranch Eggs)

“Huevos Rancheros” (ranch eggs) is a Mexican dish that came to Texas in the late 1800s. The “ranch style” is eggs with chili peppers and tomatoes and onions, often with potatoes on the side.
Wikipedia: Huevos rancheros
Huevos rancheros is a classic Mexican breakfast dish which has become popular throughout much of the Americas. Huevos rancheros means “eggs ranch-style” or “eggs country-style” in Spanish. The dish traditionally was served at the large mid-morning breakfast, or almuerzo, on rural farms where workers had a much smaller meal at dawn.

The basic version of huevos rancheros consists of corn tortillas fried lightly, and fried eggs with a tomato–chili sauce. Refried beans (frijoles refritos), slices of avocado, fried potatoes, and extra chili peppers are common accompaniments. Scrambled eggs can be used instead of fried eggs.
Mexico As I Saw It
by Mrs. Alec Treedie
London: Hurst and Blackett limited
Pg. 203:
Dish No. 1 was Huevos Rancheros, which means eggs served ranch fashion.  A couple of eggs are fried for a portion, put on to a plate and covered over with chilli sauce.  Everything Mexican has chilli in it, and, not infrequently, garlic!  How the folk eat all the peppers, chillis, and survive, is marvellous, but they do!
17 August 1937, Los Angeles Times, pg. A4:
Buck was asking Irv how to cook huevos rancheros, a Mexican dish of eggs, tomato sauce and chili.
16 November 1941, Oakland (CA) Tribune, pg. B3:
This is driven home when you try to order your first breakfast. The Mexican idea of a nifty breakfast is “huevos rancheros y cerveza”—ranch eggs and beer.
23 August 1942, Los Angeles Times, pg. F3:
Or, perhaps, like one man we know, the gustatory treat is huevos rancheros, a delicacy compounded of eggs, tomatoes, chili powder, onion, garlic and sausage meat. 

18 June 1943, Fresno (CA) Bee, “International Crowd In Mexico City Adopts Custom of Sunday At Sanborns” by Mary Hampton, pg. A9:
Then you eat huevos rancheros which as ranch eggs and peppers, which distinctly burn your throat, but they are delicious.

8 July 1943, Oelwein (Iowa) Daily Register, pg. 4:
“We’ll have the garnachas first, then huevos rancheros, guacamole, albondigas, camote con pina—” She rattled off the dishes so fast Mrs. Parkinson could hardly keep up with her as she scrawled off notes on her paper.
“Garnachas are what we would call in the States hors d’oeuvres. Huevos rancheros is an egg dish made with peppers, onion, tomatoes and chili powder. Guacamole is made from avocados. Albondigas is what we would call meat balls. Camote con pina is a very delicious dessert made with sweet potatoes and crushed pineapple.”
Concha’s Mexican Kitchen Cook Book
by Catharine Ulmer Stoker
The Naylor Company, San Antonio, TX
Huevos Coyoacan—Eggs Coyoacan Style…75
Huevos Rancheros—Eggs Ranch Style…76
Huevos Chorizo—Eggs with Chile Sausage…77
Huevos Espanoles—Eggs Spanish Style…77
Huevos Tlaltecoco—Tlaltecoco Eggs…77
Huevos Mexicanos—Eggs Mexican Style..78
Huevos Federal—Eggs Federal Style…78
Huevos Tlalnpantla—Eggs Tlalnpantla Style…79
Huevos Tezcucana—Eggs Tezcucana Style…79
Huevos de Toluca—Eggs Toluca Style…80
Huevos Malinche—Eggs Malinche Style…80
Huevos de Francia—Eggs French Style…81
Huevos de los Bosques—Eggs Lumberjack Style…81
Huevos Clorinda—Eggs Clorinda Style…82
Huevos Antonia—Eggs Antonia Style…82
Huevos de los Cerros—Eggs Mountain Style…83
Huevos Iturbide—Eggs Iturbide Style…83
Huevos de Monte Alban—Eggs Mount Alban Style…84
Huevos de Xoco—Eggs Xoco Style…84
Huevos de Alcachofas—Artichoke Eggs…85
Huevos Bonanza—Eggs Fortune Style…85
Huevos y Tortilla—Eggs and Tortillas…86 (Close enough?—ed.)
Huevos de Irolo—Irolo Eggs…86
7 November 1947, Deming (NM Headlight, pg. 3? ad:
MEXICAN PLATE with Salad…..............................................
MEXICAN PLATE DELUXE….................................................1.00
..... .50
ENCHILADAS (WITHOUT EGG)............................................. .50
ENCHILADAS (WITH ONE EGG)............................................ .60
ENCHILADAS (WITH TWO EGGS).......................................... .70
RELLENOS…................................................................ .60
CHILI CON CARNE Y HUEVOS (Chili with Egg)......................... .70
HUEVOS RANCHEROS….......................................................
30 March 1949, Portland (ME) Press Herald, pg. 10:
All the elite contributed recipes. (...) Mrs. George Marshall, huevos rancheros, which is onions and chili peppers and tomatoes and eggs.