Hudson Heights

"Hudson Heights" is not to be confused with "Hudson Square." It's located near Washington Heights in northern Manhattan. "Longhill" is an older name for the area.
The neighborhood is called Hudson Heights by local real estate brokers and activists, to distinguish it from the sprawling blocks of Washington Heights to the south and east. It is situated west of Broadway between the George Washington Bridge and Fort Tryon Park and is set on rocky cliffs above the Hudson River.

(From "If You're Thinking of Living In/Hudson Heights" by Maggie Garb, New York , 8 November 1998, pg. RE5 - ed.)
Hudson Heights Owners Coalition

We are an association of owner occupied residential properties located in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Hudson Heights. Our boundries are between J. Hood Wright Park (173rd Street) and Fort Tryon Park (Margaret Corbin Circle at 192nd Street), west of Broadway.

Since 1993, our member buildings, currently 25, have worked together and with others in the community to maintain and enhance the quality of life and the property values in the neighborhood. We:
Strictly speaking the neighborhood of Hudson Heights is bounded on the South by J. Hood Wright Park at 175 Street, Broadway to the East, and Fort Tryon Park up top. The name came to be when a group of concerned shareholder residents (Hudson Heights Owners Coalition) decided to differentiate our neck of the woods from the part where all that drug dealing and drive by shooting was going on. Well it took awhile but it worked. And now that there's no more drug crime violence it's even better.