“How many cabal members does it take to change a light bulb?” (joke)

A cabal version of the “lightbulb joke” is:
Q: How many cabal members does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They embrace the darkness.

The joke is from the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show by Tommy Williams, and the rebroadcast by Lucid Dreamer on YouTube on June 15, 2018.
The original form of the joke involves goths and was posted on the newsgroup Google Groups: alt.gothic on January 5, 1995:
Q: How many goths does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, they just embrace the darkness.

Google Groups: alt.gothic
Goth Jokes list (again…)
How many goths does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, they just embrace the darkness.
Google Groups: alt.fan.heinlein
[OT] Lightbulbs (long) 
Kate Gladstone
Q: How many members of the Cabal does it take to change a light-bulb?

A: Eight: One to distract nosy proctors, one to blindfold the bulb, one to stick a knife into its back, one to walk it into the cellar, one to ask the light-bulb what it would most like to have (“Light” - what else?), one to train it and send it on secret missions that will eventually contribute in some small way to changing other light-bulbs, one to put it into a movie-projector showing hypnotic re-education films, and one to pull the plug on the projector because light-bulbs should shine freely without mental coercion.
Q - how many goths does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A - none, they’d rather embrace the darkness.
3:07 PM - 20 Mar 2009
Dustin Lucht
How many cabal does it take to change a light bulb?
4:53 PM - 5 Aug 2015
Pancake Mountain
How many goths does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, they just embrace the darkness.
#WorldGothDay #Garbage #Magnetized #ShirleyManson #BestHairColor @garbage
1:20 PM - 22 May 2018
Emergency Broadcast on behalf of all the People who hold America dear to their hearts
Lucid Dreamer
Published on Jun 15, 2018
“There is a joke that asks how many cabal would it take to change a light bulb? The answer is none. Why? Because they love embracing the darkness. Where they can run about like the cockroaches they are, all hidden in the prying eyes of a largely unaware public gaze.