“How do you spell candy with two letters?”/“C and Y.”

An old riddle about candy is:
Q: How do you spell “candy” in two letters?
A: C and Y.

The riddle has been cited in print since at least 1903.
14 April 1903, Boston (MA) Globe, pg. 10, col. 6:
How do you spell candy with two letters? C and y.
Chronicling America
7 August 1915, Charlevoix County Herald (East Jordan, MI), “The Children’s Story Telling Club,” pg. 7, col. 4:
How do you spell candy with two letters?
18 January 1925, The Sunday Herald (Boston, MA), “Nuts to Crack” by Billy Squirrel, pg. D4, col. 7:
3—Spell “candy” with two letters.
Answer “C” and “Y” (CandY).
Google News Archive
17 May 1925, The Delmarvia Star (Wilmington, DE), “How Many of These Riddles Can You Guess?,” magazine sec., pg. 7, col. 3:
586. How do you spell “candy” with two letters?—Erda Stratford.
4 November 1944, Lewiston (ME)  Evening Journal, “Riddles,” magazine sec., pg. A-7, col. 4:
Can you spell “candy” in two letters?— Patsy Ruth Hendricks.
Google Books
November 1982, Boys’ Life, ‘Think & Grin,” pg. 82, col. 3:
Andy: How do you spell candy in two letters?
Randy: C and y. — Phillip Hayes, Temple Hills, Md.
Alex Burton
@GrumpyWookie How do you spell Candy with only two letters?
7:38 PM - 17 Jun 2009
Jessica Wong
How do you spell CANDY with two letters? A: C and Y
12:21 AM - 1 Feb 2010
Google Books
Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone
By Linda Bozzo
Berkeley Heights, NJ: ENslow Elementary
Pg. 30:
How do you spell candy with just two letters?
C and Y.
How do you spell candy with two letters?
submitted June 22, 2016 by mikeowndu
C and Y