“How do you know if someone is a vegan?”/“Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.”

“How do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you” is a jocular saying that has been printed on posters. The joke has been cited in print since at least August 2010.
“First rule of Vegan Club: You tell everyone about Vegan Club,” “The first rule of vegan fight club. Tell everyone about vegan fight club” and “Why did the vegan cross the road?”/“To tell a complete stranger he’s a vegan” are related jokes.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Q. How do you know if someone is a vegan or not?
A. They’ll tell you.
Since my sister works in an organic foods store, she comes home with organic jokes like this. Hah.
Posted by Erin at 6:59 PM
Do you have to be a vegetarian to be buddhist?
seeker242 Member
October 2010 edited October 2010
I would say that the ego clinging superiority complex is most often an unfortunate byproduct of the lifestyle and not necessarily the intent of living that lifestyle to begin with, most of the time. I have met and been friends with many very radical animal rights/vegetarian activists. Many of them, especially the younger people, do have a superiority complex. There is an old saying “How do you know someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, they will tell you”.
a good way to tell if someone is a vegan is to wait the thirty seconds it takes them to bring it up.
9:57 PM - 17 Feb 11
Meghan Joyce
Kinda true joke from my friend Saloni: How can you tell if someone is a #vegan?
... Don’t worry - they’ll tell you!
7:13 PM - 26 Jul 11
Googel Books
The Rosie Project
By Graeme Simsion
Toronto, ON: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.
Pg. ?:
Vegans and vegetarians can be incredibly annoying. Gene has a joke: ‘How can you tell if someone is a vegan? Just wait ten minutes and they’ll tell you.’
Fairfax Underground
How do you tell someone is a vegan?
Posted by: Over and Over ()
Date: June 14, 2013 05:34AM
YOU DONT! They’ll make sure to tell you!
Joseph Curl
Bill Clinton proves the old joke: How do you know if someone is a vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you…. http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/03/bill-clinton-pretending-to-be-a-vegan-so-he-can-talk-about-being-a-vegan/
3:45 PM - 4 Sep 13