“How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer?”/“Invite two of them.”

A popular joke is told about Southern Baptists:
Q: If you invite a Baptist to go fishing with you, how do you keep him from drinking all your beer?
A: Invite two of them!

That is, the Baptists will each shame the other and you’ll have the beer to yourself. The joke has been cited in print since at least 1998.
Google Groups: rec.humor.oracle.d
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How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all of you beer?
Invite over another Baptist.
Google Groups: misc.survivalism
LDS Recommendations
Rough Rider
It’s kinda like How do you keep a Baptist buddy from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip?
Take 2 of them.
P.S. this won’t work with Presbyterians.
Google Groups: rec.models.rockets
OT - How many Christians does it take to change a light bulb?
Allen McBroom
How do you stop a Baptist from drinking all your beer when you go fishing?  Easy. Take along two Baptists, and neither one will touch a drop.
Toward a Godward Passion
Monday, July 07, 2008
How to Keep a Baptist from Drinking All Your Beer
Heard this joke recently. Perhaps it has been around a while, but it was new to me. I thought it was rather funny. Probably all too true at times, but funny nonetheless.
If you invite a Baptist to go fishing with you, how do you keep him from drinking all your beer?
Invite two of them!
Byron Hill
Lidopener at session: How do you stop a Baptist from drinking? Bring another Baptist. Definitely got a laugh from the attendees in the room.
4:18 PM - 28 Oct 2009
@Malecopywriter How do you keep a baptist from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip? Take two baptists with you.
3:05 PM - 26 Nov 2009
Terrell Lewis
How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer? Invite two of them. #pX #christian
10:59 AM - 2 Jan 2010
Google Books
Paddle Shots:
A River Pretty Anthology, Vol. 2, Volume 2

Edited by Lee Busby and Richard Farrell
Lulu Press (Lulu.com)
Pg. 148:
Drunkenly he slurs a joke, When fishing with a Baptist, how do you keep him from drinking all your beer? Kurt has come out from the corner, his hands still above his head clutching beads, and he shrugs. Invite another Baptist.
How do you keep your Baptist friend from drinking all your beer on the fishing trip
submitted April 4, 2016 by Scottsman90
You bring a second baptist.