“How do you cook kidneys?”/“Boil the piss out of them.”

An off-color joke about kidneys is:
Q: How do you cook kidneys?
A: Boil the piss out of them.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 1977.
Google Books
The Kidney Patient:
A Socio-medical Study

By George S T Chu
Dissertation: Dr. of Public Health University of California, Berkeley
Pg. 109:
Q. How do you cook kidneys?
A. Boil the piss out of them.
(Entry in nurses’ log)
Google Groups: soc.singles.moderated
why is it hard to ?
Robert Blackshaw
What, not like steak and kidney pie, why I never! Of course when I once asked my ex to make it for me she said “How do you cook kidneys?” Upset her no end when I replied “Put them in a pot and boil the piss out of them.”
Google Groups: rec.outdoors.rv-travel
Tired of flame wars? Go to
John Irwin
I can’t stand the taste or smell of liver.  My wife loves it, too.  I tell her that is great that some like it, otherwise the world would be filled with rotting green liver. Reminds me of cooking kidneys.  How do you cook kidneys?  Well, you just boil the pi** out of them.
Google Books
The New Treasury of Gross Jokes
By Julius Alvin
New York, NY: Kensington Books
Pg. 51:
How do you cook kidneys?
You have to boil the piss out of them.
#SaturdayKitchenLive richard from leeds- “how do you cook kidneys..” -hahaha just made it worst!!
5:11 AM - 22 Jan 2011
Michael Patrick
How do you cook kidneys? Boil the piss outta em! #MorningFunny
9:22 AM - 25 Jan 2011
Marc Kelly
“How do you cook kidneys? You boil the piss out of them.” hahaha Grandma always has the best jokes.
6:19 PM - 24 Apr 2011
How do you cook kidneys? (self.funny)
submitted January 27, 2011 by thetogs
Boil the piss out of them.
Funny JokesGood Joke
Short jokes-Cook kidneys: How do you cook kidneys? You have to boil the p*ss out of them.  http://bit.ly/HHueN9  #jokes
2:01 AM - 3 Apr 2012