“How can you tell a bagpiper with perfect pitch?” (riddle)

A riddle about bagpipes is:
Q. How can you tell a bagpiper with perfect pitch?
A. He can throw a set into the middle of a pond and not hit any of the ducks.

The joke was posted on the newsgroup rec.music.makers.bagpipe on May 19, 1997.
Google Groups: rec.music.makers.bagpipe
Bagpipe Jokes
Scott L. McCluney
Q. How can you tell a bagpiper with perfect pitch?
A. He can throw a set into the middle of a pond and not hit any of the ducks.
30 June 2003, Battle Creek (MI) Enquirer, “Kid Scoop,” pg. 5B, col. 2:
Q: How can you tell when a bagpiper has perfect pitch?
ANSWER: When he throws his bagpipes into a pond without hitting any ducks.
Doug Miller
Replying to @amyguth
@amyguth what do you call a bagpiper with perfect pitch. One that can throw his pipes in the pond without hitting a duck.
4:17 PM - 12 May 2009
Google Books
The Biggest Joke Book Ever
By Jack Jacoby
Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing
Pg. 96:
How can you tell a bagpiper with perfect pitch? He can throw a set into the middle of a pond and not hit any of the ducks.
Google Books
Sensible Nonsense.. Frank’s Comic Pack:
Humour Pack Series

By Frank Paul
Pg. ?:
Q. How can you tell a bagpiper with perfect pitch? A. He can throw a set into the middle of a pond and not hit any of the ducks.
lorraine Jo King
How can you tell a bagpiper with perfect pitch?
He can throw a set into the middle of a pond and not hit any of the ducks.
12:55 AM - 24 Oct 2018