Houston Barnacle or Houston Barnicle (Houston Chronicle nickname)

The Houston Chronicle was first printed in 1901 and is one of the top ten largest circulation newspapers in the United States. One newspaper nickname (used since at least 2002) is the Houston Barnacle. The nickname is also spelled Houston Barnicle—perhaps a misspelling, or perhaps an intended meaning less like the word “barnacle” and more like “barn” + “chronicle.” The nickname Barnacle or Barnicle is used most often by conservative commentators critical of the newspaper’s liberal slant.

The Houston Chronicle has also been nicknamed the Houston Comical (since at least 1990), the Houston Chronic (since 1997), the Houston Moronicle (since 2001) and the Houston Crummyicle (since 2006).
Wikipedia: Houston Chronicle
The Houston Chronicle is the largest daily newspaper in Texas, USA. As of March 2007, it is the ninth largest newspaper in the United States. With the demise of its long-time rival the Houston Post, its nearest major competitors are located in Dallas-Fort Worth.
The Houston Chronicle is the largest daily paper owned and operated by the Hearst Corporation, a multinational corporate media conglomerate with $4 billion in revenues. The paper employs nearly 2,000 people, including approximately 300 journalists, editors, and photographers. The Chronicle has bureaus in Washington, D.C., Mexico, Colombia, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Beaumont and the Rio Grande Valley. Its web site averages 25 million hits per month.
1901: Marcellus E. Foster
The Houston Chronicle was founded in 1901 by a former reporter for the now-defunct Houston Post, Marcellus E. Foster. Foster, who had been covering the Spindletop oil boom for the Post, invested in Spindletop and took $30 of the return on that investment — at the time equivalent to a week’s wages — and used it to found the Chronicle.
The Chronicle’s first edition was published on October 14, 1901 and sold for two cents per copy, at a time when most papers sold for five cents each. At the end of its first month in operation, the Chronicle had a circulation of 4,378 — roughly one tenth of the population of Houston at the time. Within the first year of operation, the paper purchased and consolidated the Daily Herald.
Google Groups: tx.motorcycles
Newsgroups: tx.motorcycles
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (José Jimenez)
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 19:53:29 -0600
Local: Sun, Mar 10 2002 9:53 pm
Subject: Re: Thank you gestapo
The Houston Barnacle had a picture recently of the new graduating class of DPS traffic enforcement troopers.
Google Groups: houston.politics
Newsgroups: houston.politics
From: ralphie
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 22:27:15 GMT
Local: Sun, Dec 29 2002 6:27 pm
Subject: WHAT!! the Houston Barnacle and a political agenda!! I am shocked!!
From the Houston Review- Ahh..the Houston Barnacle and yellow journalism- as Houston as Ninfas…
Google Groups: comp.sys.hp.mpe
Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp.mpe
From: Denys Beauchemin
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 17:16:19 -0600 (Central Standard Time)
Local: Sun, Feb 16 2003 7:16 pm
Subject: Re: OT: How the US is being viewed by AOL users
This weekend’s Houston Barnacle (Chronicle) has a front-page story about friendly fire.
Date:      Mon, 18 Aug 2003 18:40:05 EDT
Reply-To:    [log in to unmask]
Sender:    David Virtue <[log in to unmask]>
From:      David Virtue <[log in to unmask]>

Since the Houston Chronicle bought out its competition (the Houston Post) in 1994 (for $93,000,000 for the sole purpose of closing it down) so as to establish a near monopoly, Houstonians have endured repeated increases in ad rates, a sharp shift to the left politically, and more and more reliance on wire service stories.
While Richard Vara, the religion editor, who is Roman Catholic, is respected and appears to be a fair minded individual, the same cannot be said for the higher authorities that decide the over all slant of the paper editorially. The ECUSA Diocese of Texas, one of the most corporatist in the Episcopal Church, while not radically revisionist is hardly the “conservative” bastion the Chronicle makes it appear to be.
The paper is humorously known as the Houston Comical or the Houston Barnacle by the more conservative parts of the public.
Poynter Online: Newspaper Nicknames
texas papers
Posted by Robert Courtemanche 10/28/2003 7:08:32 PM
The San Angelo Sub-Standard Times
The Houston Barnicle (Chronicle)
Houston Architecture Info Forum
Saturday, October 14th, 2006 @ 9:45pm
what happened to “whine and dine” in the houston barnicle? it seems to have vanished…......
Hot Air
what else is new from the houston barnicle? If you think The Barnicle is bad, try reading the corpus christi caller times. that’ll really get your blood boiling.
pullingmyhairout on October 29, 2006 at 10:19 AM
The Fire Ant Gazette
Instead, take a double-wide swathe of newspaper (the Houston Barnacle comes to mind) and peel your potatoes on it.
Posted by: Deborah at December 27, 2006 10:19 PM
Radio Free Texas Forum
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:23 am
Jack Ingram made the Houston “Barnicle”, oops I mean Chronicle, if anyone is interested.
Free Dominion - Voice of Principled Conservatism
Posted: 05/ 12/ 07 7:36 pm
No, can’t do right now. Margartias at lunch, will get a link later. Try the Houston Barnacle, uh, no the Houston Chronicle.
Houston Chronicle blogs - SportsJustice with Richard Justice
August 02, 2007
You’re no longer needed, Mike Lamb. Okay, just this once.
I also can’t stand Richard Justice. That’s why I spend so much time reading his blog and commenting on it instead of doing something productive or doing something that makes me happy. Then again, I’m a masochist and not very smart. Because of my lack of intelligence I also like to used tired cliches like “Lastros,” “Half-Astros,” “The Houston Comical,” “The Houston Chronic,” and “The Houston Barnacle” instead of actually coming up with something thoughtful.
Posted by: John M at August 3, 2007 07:59 AM
Ace of Spades HQ
The Houston Barnacle Comical Chronic this morning regurgitated a WaPo op-ed from the Council on Foreign Relations - It turns out that Obama’s the pro-growth candidate.
Posted by: David Ross at June 06, 2008 02:27 PM