“Hooker: Would you like super sex? Old Timer: I’ll have the soup!”

A joke is frequently told about an old person who loses his appetite for sex—but not his appetite. His friends hire a prostitute for the old man’s birthday. “Would you like to have super sex?” the woman asks. The old timer thinks a bit and says, “I’ll take the soup.”
The “super sex” (“Soup or sex?”) joke has been told since at least 1993.
24 December 1993, Chicago (IL) Daily Tribune, Tempo, pg. 3:
A young woman opens the door and says, “Your buddies thought you’d enjoy some super sex!” The old guy thinks a minute and asks, “What’s the soup?”
Google Books
Reader’s Digest
v. 144, nos. 861-866
Pg. 59:
“I’m here to give you super sex,” she said in a whisper. “Thanks,” he said thoughtfully. “I’ll take the soup.” —Contributed by Dorian Goldstein
28 October 1994, Philadelphia (PA) Inquirer, “Funny Business: Capitol Steps are coming to the Keswick,” Weekend, pg. 18:
Thus, Secretary of State Warren Christopher is known as the “Global Wimp” - a man who, when presented with an offer of “super sex,” chooses the soup.
Google Books
Life, etc.:
Advice for the real world

By Charles B. Swayne
New York, NY: Simon & Schuster
Pg. 25:
“I’m here to give you super sex.” He thought for a second and said, “I’ll take the soup.”
Google Books
Hot Toddy
By Frank Palmer
Bath, England: Chivers Press
Pg. 99:
“Do you want super-sex?” she says and the old bloke replies, “I’ll take the soup, please.’”
Google Books
The real Yiddish your bubbeh never taught you

By Yetta Emmes
New York, NY: Plume
Pg. 10:
It was the alter cocker’s birthday and his friends sent him a gorgeous prostitute as a surprise gift. When he opened the door, the sexy woman in the doorway leaned in and whispered, “I’m here for super sex.” The old man thought for a minute, then replied, “Thank you. I’ll have the soup.”
Google Books
While Drowning in the Desert
By Don Winslow
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Paperbacks
Pg. 61:
But speaking of hookers, you heard the one about the hooker who says to eighty-six-year-old Mr. Birnbaum, “I’m here to give you super sex.” Birnbaum says, “I’ll take the soup.”