“Honesty in politics is like oxygen—the higher up you go, the scarcer it becomes”
“Honesty in politics is much like oxygen—the higher up you go, the scarcer it becomes” is a humorous saying about politics that’s cited frequently on the internet. George D. Madison used the saying on June 25, 1991 in the newsgroup soc.motss; a month later, a message in another newsgroup gave Madison credit.
Google Groups: soc.motss
Newsgroups: soc.motss
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (George Madison)
Date: 25 Jun 91 06:29:12 GMT
Local: Tues, Jun 25 1991 12:29 am
Subject: Re: male strippers
Honesty in politics is much like oxygen.
The higher up you go, the scarcer it becomes.
George D. Madison, a/k/a Furr
Google Groups: comp.mail.elm
Newsgroups: comp.mail.elm
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Jess Anderson)
Date: 16 Jul 91 02:19:11 GMT
Local: Mon, Jul 15 1991 8:19 pm
Subject: Good Grief
Honesty in politics is much like oxygen. The higher up you go, the scarcer it becomes.—George Madison
Politics SMS
Honesty in politics is much like oxygen
Posted on January 10, 2010 by admin
Honesty in politics is much like oxygen.
The higher up you go,
the scarcer it becomes.