Home Despot (Home Depot nickname)

Home Depot is a home improvement/construction chain store that began at Marietta, Georgia, in 1978. The nickname “Home Despot” has been cited in print since at least 1989 and has been very widely used.
Office Depot has been nicknamed “Office Despot” since at least 1995.
Wikipedia: Home Depot
The Home Depot or simply Home Depot (NYSE: HD) is an American retailer of home improvement and construction products and services. The Home Depot operates 2,248 big-box format stores across the United States (including all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam), Canada (all ten provinces), Mexico and China. (12 store chain). The Home Depot is headquartered from the Atlanta Store Support Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
In terms of overall revenue reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, The Home Depot is the largest home improvement retailer in the United States, ahead of rival Lowe’s, and the fourth largest general retailer. The store operates out of large warehouse style buildings averaging 105,000 ft² (9,755 m²) with megastores operating in larger facilities (the company’s largest store, located in Union, New Jersey is 225,000 ft²).
Urban Dictionary
home despot
A large wharehouse that sells poorly made household items made in china, warped lumber, and grossly underpays its employees.
I went down to the Home Despot to buy a can a spray paint and got fucking lost.
by eugene Feb 7, 2004
20 April 1989, St. Petersburg (FL) Times, “Building profits: Home centers scrap for market share” by Ken Otterbourg, pg. 1E:
Called Home Despot by some in the industry. Home Depot wants to open 24 stores in 1989.
Google Groups: alt.peeves
Newsgroups: alt.peeves
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Yes, as a Matter of Fact, I *DO* Own This Whole Damned Site)
Date: 12 Jul 91 03:46:04 GMT
Local: Thurs, Jul 11 1991 10:46 pm
Subject: Home Despot (was Re: (none))
>  “The Home Depot,” a home-improvement store. They pride
>themselves on customer satisfaction, but they suck! I went there
>yesterday and someone placed three big palettes full of merchandise
>right in front of the stuff that I wanted to buy.
Google Groups: misc.consumers.house
Newsgroups: misc.consumers.house
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Ken Greenebaum)
Date: 29 May 92 23:21:54 GMT
Local: Fri, May 29 1992 6:21 pm
Subject: Gas Grill Summary
BTW I wound up getting a mid-range charbroil at the Home Despot.
Google News Archive
18 January 1999, Sarasota (FL) Herald-Tribune, “Some home improvement projects hairier than others” by Daryl Lease, pg. 10A. col. 1:
Need to get one next time I’m at Home Despot.
Google Books
Cork Boat
By John D. Pollack
New York, NY: Patheon Books
Pg. ?:
Forced to improvise a new way to transport the boat, we made a Thursday-night run out to Home Depot—or, as Garth enjoyed calling it, Home Despot.
Ask MetaFilter
Nickname that store
November 30, 2010 8:53 AM
Office despot.
Home Despot.
posted by Lucinda at 9:01 AM on November 30, 2010