Holy Grail of Liberalism (tax increases)

Mitch McConnell, a United States Senator from Kentucky and the Republican minority leader of the Senate, came out of “fiscal cliff” budget negotiations with President Barack Obama in November 2012 and was dismayed that the Democrats insisted on raising taxes. McConnell said:
“The only reason Democrats are insisting on raising rates is because raising rates on the so-called rich is the holy grail of liberalism. Their aim isn’t job creation. They’re interested in wealth destruction.”
“Holy grail of liberalism” had been used infrequently before this to refer to national healthcare (2006 and 2010), abortion (2008) and entitlements (2012). A similar term is “crown jewel of socialism” (government-run healthcare).
26 August 2006, Salina (KS) Journal, “Our health-care system still best” by Deroy Murdock (Scripps Howard News Service), pg. A7, col. 2:
A national health-care system may be the Holy Grail of American liberalism.
Canada Free Press
Obama’s Partial Retreat from Holy Grail of Liberalism
By John Lillpop
Monday, July 7, 2008
This time, Barack Obama may have gone too far with his “clarifying words,” because they concern the explosive issue of abortion, the right to which is and has been the Holy Grail of liberalism since 1973.
Canada Free Press
Aborting Nancy Pelosi’s Unholy Communion
By John Lillpop
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Nancy Pelosi is an intrepid progressive who rarely deviates from the basic tenets of liberalism, including devout worship of abortion rights, the Holy Grail of liberalism.
Hollis/Brookline (NH) Journal
sdgh sd gfg

Friday, April 9, 2010
To the Editor:
We do not believe that individuals can be forced to purchase insurance, and we do not want our health records placed onto the Internet. The government has no right to force my doctor to relinquish my private files. That is a direct violation of the Fourth Amendment, but the media is willing to turn a blind eye as long as the holy grail of liberalism is achieved.
The Two Best Conservative Pundits Writing Today are Liberals
By: tomkinney (Diary)  |  May 30th, 2012 at 01:55 PM
Mead is a professor somewhere out east and fesses up to being a “lifelong liberal.” And yet he has disparaged what he calls the “blue social model,” which translated is simply the holy grail of liberalism: entitlements, entitlements, entitlements and has called for sanity in that area, something that too few conservative pundits have targeted, being instead too besot with social issues.
The Hill
McConnell slams the door on raising tax rates in deficit deal
By Alexander Bolton - 11/29/12 10:14 AM ET
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) slammed the door Thursday morning on Democratic demands to raise tax rates on families earning more than $250,000 per year.
McConnell scolded the president Thursday for sticking fast to his campaign pledge to seek higher taxes on the rich, and made clear that raising tax rates on anyone is unacceptable.
“The longer Democrats keep saying it, the longer it’s going to take to come up with an agreement,” he said. “The only reason Democrats are insisting on raising rates is because raising rates on the so-called rich is the holy grail of liberalism.
“Their aim isn’t job creation, they’re interested in wealth destruction,” he said.
U.S. Constitutional Free Press
Raising Taxes Is the “Holy Grail of Liberalism”
Posted: November 29, 2012 by AKA John Galt
(Video from the Fox News Channel—ed.)
The Erstwhile Conservative
“The Holy Grail Of Liberalism”
I heard Mitch McConnell, who spent four years as the leader of Senate Republicans trying to undermine Barack Obama’s presidency by undermining the economic recovery, say this today:
“The only reason Democrats are insisting on raising rates is because raising rates on the so-called rich is the holy grail of liberalism. The holy grail of liberalism. There aim isn’t job creation; they’re interested in wealth destruction. Not job creation, but wealth destruction.”