“Historic preservationists make it last longer” (bumper sticker)

A popular meme in the late 1970s was how various professions “do it”—a mild sex pun. For example, “Divers Do It Deeper.” Preservation in Pink did a bumper sticker in 2011:
“Historic Preservationists Make it Last LONGER.”
The saying has also been printed on T-shirts.
Preservation in Pink
@PresNation @presconf “historic preservationists make it last longer.” a mary washington hp fave
12:36 PM - 22 Apr 2011
Preservation in Pink
May 9, 2011
(“Historic Preservationists Make it Last LONGER.”—ed.)
Something fun for your Monday!  A historic preservation bumper sticker, just in time for road trip season. You know you want one – or rather, your car wants one!  After I lost Derby and my preservation bumper stick from Mary Washington, Vinny went on a search for a look-a-like bumper sticker. Without luck, he decided to create a bumper sticker just like my old one (what can I say – I know what I like), but he added a flamingo for Preservation in Pink. It is even better than the old one!  And now my car continues to get double takes wherever we go. It is always entertaining.
Kayla Jonas Galvin
I just bought this bumper sticker from @presinpink “Historic Preservationists make it last longer” - love it! http://www.cafepress.com/presinpink
2:01 PM - 4 Aug 2011
Jonathan Studiman
Meeting with City Planning staff today. One was wearing a shirt that said “historic preservationists make it last longer” 😊
10:03 PM - 15 Sep 2011
Kate Altman
@MissedinHistory Bumper sticker I actually saw, “Historic Preservationists make it last longer.”
12:36 PM - 7 Aug 2013