Hispennial (Hispanic + millennial)

“Hispennial” (Hispanic + millennial) means a person born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s who speaks Spanish. The term was cited on Twitter on July 30, 2013.
“Billennial” (bilingual + millennial) is a related term.
Wikipedia: Millennials
Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends; most researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.
PR Week
Hispanic Millennials: One size doesn’t fit all
July 29, 2013 by Annette González-Malkin, Hunter Public Relations
One in five Millennials living in the US is Hispanic, and while Hispanic Millennials share similarities with the rest of their generation, they are a dynamic group of individuals with diverse backgrounds and distinct traits.
Cristina Costantini
@miblogestublog I always eat my Mac & cheese on top of my arroz con pollo with bits of Dinamitos Doritos Locos Tacos mixed it #hispennial
2:14 PM - 30 Jul 2013
Linda Dianne
So @aviciouskoala & I just got excited bc our giant bag of quinoa arrived… Quinoa con Frijoles with a side of kale, anyone? #Hispennials
2:49 PM - 31 Jul 2013
Jose Sagastume
@Elle_Lo @ThisIsFusion Agreed! Is it too much to ask for someone to try and tackle a telenovela for #hispennials?
11:38 AM - 2 Aug 2013
LINKAGE: KFC, Total Market and Hispennial Expansion
By Susan Kuchinskas @susankuchinskas
Published: 10/17/2014
No One Size for All Hispennials
This whole millennial thing has gotten out of hand. To hear some marketers tell it, they’re all the same: free-spending, constantly texting, socially progressive—and they looove those brands. As part of Advertising Week’s “Debunking the Millennial Myth” program, two execs from national marketing firm Pinta, Mike Valdes-Fauli and Joe Gutierrez, told the audience that Hispennials are more like Hispanics than millennials.
“Hispanic millennials also openly embrace pop culture and yet understand that associating with Hispanic roots is important, particularly when addressing one’s country of origin. Sixty-seven percent want to stand out and be recognized as Latino,” according to the Latin Post’s writeup.
Hispanic, Millennial… HISPENNIAL?!
Posted by Natasha Siedsma
Jun 18, 2015 11:00:00 AM
Yes, that’s right, Hispennials. Not a typo, but a new hybrid consumer that’s all the rage. Hispanic + Millennials = Hispennials. Clever, isn’t it? Well, beyond being a cute new buzzword just begging to be hashtagged all over the internet (#hispennials), it’s all the buzz with marketers. You see, marketers believe that Hispennials are quickly rising up as the most sought after customer segment in the United States. Everyone seems to want a bit of their attention, their loyalty, and of course, their dollars.
GPI—Translation Blog
Reaching the Hispennial Market
By Natalie Veis Williams
July 22, 2015
Hispennial is a term used to describe Hispanics who also belong to the millennial generation. This segment is highly sought after and rapidly growing. Hispennials make up approximately 20% of the millennial generation. The Hispanic market has large purchasing power, but the millennial generation is not well understood, so marketing to this target audience can be confusing.
Hispanic Millennials
So now we are “Hispennials” - what a joke! We are Hispanic Millennialls - one cultural the other generational! http://bit.ly/1XZxKJ8
12:23 PM - 8 Dec 2015