
A “high-rise” is a tall building. “High-rise developments” (apartment buildings in public housing) was cited in December 1951 in a Chicago publication. “‘High-rise’ elevator apartment” was cited in print in May 1952.

Wiktionary: high-rise

high + rise
(plural high-rises)
1.A tall building, one of many stories.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
high-rise adj. (also occas. hi-rise) of a building, tall, multi-storey; also transf.; as n., a tall building.
1954 Archit. Rev. 116 414/2   In general form—podium and high-rise accommodation—this scheme follows the general pattern of current thought.
1958 Listener 20 Nov. 827/1   A point block of government offices is now going up at Wellington..and other high-rise slabs for offices and flats.
1961 Observer 7 Jan. 17/4   When one high-rise building is surrounded by many similar structures, height alone loses this special distinction.
26 December 1951, Hyde Park Herald (Chicago, IL), “Housing Authority Opons Bid For 150-Apartment Structure,” pg. 1, col. 1:
The Oakwood-Lake Park project will consist of a single 15-story (Col. 2—ed.) “Y”-shaped brick building which will have a view of the lake front and Sout Shore Drive. Specifications call for apartments of a larger size than those built previously in many CHA high-rise developments.
30 May 1952, Cleveland (OH) Plain Dealer, “Urban Face Lift To Be Explained,” pg. 5, col. 2:
He has hopes, Bohn said, of building some “high-rise” elevator apartment for aged couples.
General Pamphlet Collection by Title (Temple University Libraries)
HIGH RISE OR LOW RISE IN PUBLIC HOUSING?, by Dorothy S. Montgomery, at the NAHO Middle Atlantic Regional Conference, Pittsburgh, May 1952, in Journal of the A.I.A . , August 1952. 5 pp. [339-7]
Lewis Mumford: A Bibliography (Penn Libraries)
“The High-Rise Fashion.”
Town and Country Planning, XXI (July 1953), 312-18.
An address delivered at the annual general meeting of the Town and Country Planning Association, May 13, 1953.
Google Books
Walter Gropius, Work and Teamwork
By Sigfried Giedion
New York, NY: Reinhold Pub. Corp.
Pg. 80:
The slablike block of row-houses gave rise to the slablike high-rise apartment building.
25 December 1957, New York (NY) Times “LINCOLN SQ. GIVEN 27 MILLION BY US TO HELP IN RAZING” by Charles Grutzner, pg. 1:
Webb Knapp, Inc., is the prospective sponsor of 4000 rental apartments in high- rise buildings and some two-and-three-story row housing.
OCLC WorldCat record
High Rise Cooperative Apartment Project.
Author: Roland Kluver
Publisher: Cambridge, [1958]
Edition/Format:  Book : English
OCLC WorldCat record
HIGH-RISE unit lowers cost of building and maintenance.
Edition/Format:  Article : English
Publication: Modern hospital, 1960 Mar; 94: 82-3
Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine