Hell Square

Hell Square is not to be confused with the long-established nickname Hell’s Kitchen. The 2006-coined “Hell Square” is in the Lower East Side, from Houston Street on the north to Delancey Street on the south, and from Allen Street on the west to just beyond Clinton Street on the east.
Needless to say, the name “Hell Square” is not official and is not popularly used by real estate agents.
Introducing Hell Square
Thursday, November 16, 2006, by Lockhart
From Eater via Dealbreaker via now we’re confused, a new micronabe:
hell square (hĕl skwâr) n.
1. the portion of the Lower East Side extending from Houston Street on the north to Delancey Street on the south, and from Allen Street on the west to The Delancey on the east.
2. especially during evening hours.
3. see also B&T.
4. be very afraid.
Hell Square Claims Two New Victims
Thursday, November 16, 2006
For the concept and naming of Hell Square, we’re indebted to Dealbreaker editor John Carney, with whom Team Eater sometimes carouses.
(UPDATE: Seems Carney passed along the concept of Kearney on this one. If you understand what we’re talking about, we probably owe you a drink.) 
The Curbed Awards 2006 (Part II)
Friday, December 29, 2006, by Joshua
New Microneighborhood Names of the Year
3) DUGO. Sounds too much like Yugo, and the area under the Gowanus Expressway is a freaking pit. Cue the luxury condos!
2) NoMaS. The North of Madison Square Park restaurant district. No Mas, indeed.
1) Hell Square, for the quadrilateral of drunken revelry on the Lower East Side.   
January 24, 2007
What Happens in Hell Square, Stays in Hell Square
NOODEL (North of Delancey)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Hell Square
So it seems like I wasn’t the first to re-name the area where I live. Reading through the archives of Curbed they have decided to re-christen my neighborhood with the delightful moniker of Hell Square. Whilst I can kind of see where they’re coming from this does seem a bit much - yeah the area is going through a pretty major gentrification, and the number of consciously trendy bars and restaurants can get a bit much - but was it honestly a lot better before?   
Just Another White Guy
Friday, May 25, 2007
Hell Square Update: Rob Shamlian Set to Open the Corner of Ludlow and Rivington mid-June    
CurbedWire: LES Pit of Despair, Greening Williamsburg
Wednesday, May 30, 2007, by Scott
LOWER EAST SIDE—The tipster who snapped this pic from the heart of Hell Square (Ludlow between Houston and Stanton) calls it “Lower East Side Pit of Despair!”