“Hear it now, watch it tonight, read about it tomorrow” (radio-television-newspaper adage)
“Hear it now/today, see/watch it tonight, read (about) it tomorrow” was a popular radio saying. Radio allowed people to “hear it now/today,” or people could “see/watch it tonight” on television’s evening news. Other people could get the next day’s newspaper and “read (about) it tomorrow.”
“Hear it today, see it tonight and read it tomorrow” has been cited in print since at least 1972. Cable television’s 24-hour news stations and the Internet have made the saying outdated.
18 June 1972, Danville (VA) Register, “WBTM’s radio ramblin’s,” pg. 9D, col. 7 ad:
Radio news is now. You hear it on 1330 today…see it tonight…and read it tomorrow.
17 February 1973, Bennington (VT) Banner, AARP Notes, pg. 8, col. 3:
Guest speaker at the Feb. 8 meeting was Mrs. Belva Keyworth of WBTN. Her subject was “Radio Today.” The talk proved most interesting and a lengthy question and answer period followed. She closed with a slogan for the radio station: “Hear it today, See it tonight and Read it Tomorrow.”
11 July 1973, Bradford (PA) Era, pg. 18, col. 2 ad:
Hear It Today!
See It Tonight
Read It Tomorrow
(WESB, Bradford, PA—ed.)
Google Books
Volume 143
Issues 5-7
Pg. 16:
SIR: We have a saying in radio: “Hear it now! See it tonight! Read it tomorrow!” Another reason newspaper business is off.
—H. Randolph Holder, President, Clarke Broadcasting Corp., Athens, Ga.
Google Books
Inside the Media
By Conrad C. Fink
New York, NY: Longman
Pg. ?:
The news director should believe in the importance of immediacy in radio news — “Hear it now! See it tonight! Read it tomorrow!”
4 May 1993, Chicago (IL) Tribune, “What’s going on” by Dan Kening, Tempo, pg. 1:
“The difference between the news cycles of radio, television and newspapers is this: On radio you can hear it now; on television you can see it tonight; and in the newspaper you can read about it tomorrow,” he said.
Irish Independent
Broadcast news
Sunday February 09 2003
As I leave, I hear for the hundredth time the station’s chief sting-cum-slogan: “You can watch it tonight, you can read it tomorrow, but you can hear it now on NewsTalk 106.”
Google Books
The Electronic Reporter:
Broadcast journalism in Australia
By Barbara Alysen
Sydney: University of New South Wales Press
Pg. 24:
A radio news promo put it neatly when it urged listeners to ‘See it tonight. Read it tomorrow. Hear it now.’
Information Management
The New Online Reality at Fox Sports
Fox Sports Interactive Listens to the Sports Fan with Web Analytics
BI Review Magazine, August 23, 2007
Andrew Hossom, VP Marketing, FoxSportsInteractive
It is easy to forget how recently broadcast and print media models controlled the way news and information were digested by the consumer. Entering the 1990s the three primary news media—radio, television and newspapers—operated comfortably on independent publishing cycles. “Hear it now, watch it tonight, read about it tomorrow,” was the time-to-market motto of radio network juggernauts NBC, ABC and CBS, which dominated the “morning drive” and the first news of the day. Dinnertime was an opportunity to view what had been heard about earlier and breakfast was time to recap and forward older stories in the local newspaper.
Google Books
Essential Radio Journalism
By Paul Chantler and Peter Stewart
London: A & C Black
Pg. 15:
To quote a rather clever station slogan promoting the virtues of radio news, ‘You can watch it tonight, you can read it tomorrow, but you can hear it now on Radio Blankshire’.
The Next Web
9 things that were way more difficult before the Internet
8th December 2011 by Harrison Weber
6. Global Controversies
The Internet has taken the promise of radio and made it global, continuously. The old adage was “hear it now, see it tonight, read it tomorrow” (radio/tv/paper). In the past, breaking news and information leaks had to spread through newspaper printers and telephone calls. Today, information spreads so fast that transparency is a growing battle between the likes of Wikileaks (which has suspended publishing due to funding problems), and vulnerable organizations like the US Government.