“He was addicted to cowboy line dancing and entered a two-step program”

A popular joke is told about the Texas two-step:
“My best friend became addicted to country line dancing. It got so bad he had to enter a two-step program.”
Versions of the joke date to at least 1996.
Google Groups: rec.music.country.western
The Addicted Line Dancer
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (DALE COX) writes:
> I have been listening to country music for about three years now and have
> taken a line dance class in college. Since “93” I have line dancing. It’s
> amazing how addicting it has become. I don’t care if someone calls me a
> “Redneck”, they don’t know what they are missing. If people don’t like to
> go to country dance clubs, that means more room for me on the dance
> floor(HA HA HA HA!!!!).

>                            THE ADDICTED LINE DANCER
Don’t worry son, there’s a cure.  It’s a two-step program….
Google Groups: rec.music.makers.guitar.acoustic
Terada 12-string
Larry Pattis
By the way, my friend Chuck Pyle says that he is “in recovery” for his cowboy dancing problem…it’s a two-step program…...
Google Groups: alt.humor.jewish
^=^ Quips
My best friend became addicted to country line dancing.
It got so bad he had to enter a two-step program.
Google Books
Pretty Good Joke Book: 5th Edition
By Garrison Keillor
Minneapolis, MN: Highbridge Company
Pg. ?:
My best friend became addicted to line dancing. It got so bad he had to enter a two-step program.
Charlie Martin
RT @wbaustin: My brother became addicted to country line dancing…. It got so bad he had to enter a two-step program. [Oh god.]
9:45 PM - 24 Jan 2009
Google Books
What’s So Funny?
By Kevin Sheedy
New York, NY: Penguin Books
Pg. ?:
Did you hear about the man who became addicted to country and western line dancing? It got so bad he had to enter a two-step program.
Bob Wilson
I got over my addiction to line dancing by entering a two-step program.
12:55 PM - 12 Sep 2015