
A "gurgitator" is a competitive eater. Think Nathan's Famous hot dog eating contest on July 4th. Those are gurgitators!

"Gurgitator" was coined and/or popularized by George Shea, co-founder of the International Federation of Competitive Eating (

International Federation of Competitive Eating - TEAM IFOCE TEAM IFOCE OFFICIAL STORE : The Gurgitator Quantity: GURGITATOR -
2002 Weight: 1.0 lbs List Price: $16.95 Get the latest news ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

... champion will be crowned. The most famous gurgitator will be Ed "Cookie" Jarvis, who will fly in from Long Island, NY. Jarvis is world ... asparagus2004/articles/8asp.php - 58k - Cached - Similar pages

(Google) - Transcripts
... And check this out, Fredricka. Actually a magazine called the "Gurgitator." An international federation of competitive eating magazine. ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

... I kept my eyes peeled for "Hungry" Charles Hardy, the two-time American hotdog eating champion and marquee gurgitator at the Snackdown. ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

CNS: February 16, 2004: Big bellies are out for competitive eaters
... By Joelle Farrell. PHOTO: Sarah Burge Eric Booker, 33, a competitive eater, or "gurgitator," nibbles at a Carnegie Deli sandwich. ... - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Sonya Thomas is: "THE BLACK WIDOW"
... As I asserted before, Kobayashi is the most elite gurgitator the world has ever known. I feel honored just to be on the same stage as him. ... - 13k - Jun 29, 2004 - Cached - Similar pages

(Google Groups)
Japanese oogui
... Compared to many of his fellow "gurgitators", Kobayashi is not just thin, he is downright skeletal, weighing in at a mere 51.3kg. ... - Jul 4, 2002 by Brett Robson - View Thread (7 articles)

(Google Groups)
Good Food, Good Treats, Good Golly, Let's Eat!
... around the world, six of them women, who compete in its events and are sometimes featured in its quarterly newsletter called "The Gurgitator." Most American ...
alt.bad.clams - Aug 15, 2002 by Frankenclam - View Thread (1 article)

18 February 2002, Washington (DC) Times, pg. A9:
Fox's "Glutton Bowl" lures "gurgitators"
"A good eater is a good athlete," says international body
By Jennifer Harper
Chicken wings, matzo balls, pickled quail eggs, cannoli, hot dogs, jalapenos, sushi, pancakes, oysters, mince pie - it's all fair game to competitive eaters who have their own federation, regulations, world records and yes, competitive eat meets where less is definitely not more and the best professional gurgitator wins.

"It's not about gluttony. It's about competitive eating. This is a sport. We train, we compete, we have strategies and disciplines," said George Shea, chairman of the New York-based International Federation of Competitive Eating (IFOCE).
There are points for "neat eating," a newsletter called "The Gurgitator" and official T-shirts which read "Nothing in Moderation" and come in sizes up to XXXXL. Competitors share training methods - like learning to stretch their stomachs by drinking a gallon of water at one sitting.

The IFOCE also finds sponsors for sanctioned tournaments year- round.

1 July 2004, New York Daily News, pg. 40, col. 2:
In 1997, he (George Shea - ed.) co-founded the International Federation of Competitive Eating with an eye toward becoming the official governing body for 'gurgitators' worldwide.