Gunpocalypse (gun + apocalypse)

“Gunpocalypse” (gun + apocalypse) has meant various things, such as an apocalypse with guns and an apocalypse without guns. “Got my gun and 100+ bullets and some targets…. #gunpocalypse” was cited on Twitter on August 27, 2011.
In May 2016, the California legislature brought several bills to ban or restrict guns in the state of California. The Firearms Policy Coalition posted the article “Gunpocalypse Hits the Senate” on May 12, 2016, and the FPC followed this with numerous other “gunpocalypse” (an apocalyptic taking of guns) articles. Many tweets and YouTube videos soon used the “gunpocalypse” term.
Carson Allen
Got my gun and 100+ bullets and some targets…. #gunpocalypse
12:21 PM - 27 Aug 2011
Firearms Policy Coalition
posted on May 12, 2016
The anti-gun elitists in Sacramento are at it again…
On Monday, May 16th, a critical State Senate committee will be hearing 10 gun control bills…
Yes, we typed that right. 10 GUN CONTROL BILLS!
This is literally Gunpocalypse!
GUNPOCALYPSE: 10 Anti-Gun Bills to be Fast-tracked In California On May 16th
Published on May 14, 2016
Monday, May 16th 10 anti-gun bills will be fast-tracked through the California State Senate Appropriations Committee. The hearing agenda includes four Assembly bills that were gutted and amended a week earlier in an effort by Democrats to avoid a full vetting by legislators. And even more outrageous is that three of those measures will meet their evil twins (Senate Bills containing the exact same language) and be voted on at the same time. “The only way to describe this full-on assault on gun owners’ civil rights is to call it what it is - Gunpocalypse”, stated Craig DeLuz, Legislative Advocate for the Firearms Policy Coalition.
Firearms Policy Coalition 
Gunpocalypse Hits the Senate Floor
posted on May 17, 2016 in FPC Grassroots Alerts
Yesterday, Gunpocalypse hit the California State Capitol.
The Senate Appropriations committee heard and passed TEN anti-gun bills with no regard for any of the rules that are in place to allow for a more thorough review and not cost the state millions of dollars.
‘Gunpocalypse’: California Senate to Act on 10 Gun Control Bills
by AWR HAWKINS 19 May 2016
The California Senate pushed “gunpocalypse” by acting on ten control bills Thursday.
The bills include an outright ban on “the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic rifles that have detachable magazines,” background checks for ammunition purchasers, and a statewide ban on magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition.
Concealed Nation
Massive Gun Bills Pass In California, Dubbed The “Gunpocalypse”
Posted by Brandon, May 20, 2016
Updated on May 20, 2016 at 12:51 am
By Sara Tipton via The Truth About Guns
“Gunpocalypse” — a package of ten new gun control laws — have passed the California Senate. They’re now now en route to the Assembly, who will no doubt vote yea as well. If approved, the package will head to the governor for his signature. They includes an ammo registry (license, depending on how it’s worded) and a potential ammo purchase limit, as well as a ban on “bullet button enabled” guns – semi automatic rifles with detachable magazines to normal people. All of which proves that the state of California is home to a special kind of tyranny . . .
More strict gun control regulations implemented by California politicians
The Alex Jones Show - MAY 24, 2016
The California Senate has passed 11 sweeping gun control regulations as the Senate leader and the Lt. Governor compete for the office of Governor by seeing who can infringe more on gun rights.
Also former NBC anchor, Tom Brokaw, gives a commencement speech in Mississippi where he equates firearm tolerance with homegrown acts of terror.