Gundamentalist (gun + fundamentalist); Gundamentalism

A “gundamentalist” (gun + fundamentalist) is someone who believes in the right to bear arms as a matter of personal faith (if not law). The term “gundamentalist” was cited in print in 1926, but had been used infrequently until about 2000.
The term “gundamentalism” (gun + fundamentalism) is less frequently used, but was a chapter title in the book Fundamentalist World: The New Dark Age of Dogma (2004) by Stuart Sim.
Google Groups:
Police don’t protect woman from ex-hubbie… gun could have
Jeff Clary
>All I was trying to point out was that having a gun in your house, or on
>your person, in and of itself, is not a guarantee that you will not be a
>crime victim.  It appears I have stirred up a hornets’ nest among the
>“gundamentalists” by making this simple observation.
I imagine you would consider me a “gundamentalist.”
Google Books
Fundamentalist World:
The New Dark Age of Dogma

By Stuart Sim
Cambridge, MA: Icon Books
Pg. 187:
‘Gundamentalism’: The. American. Militia. Movement.
Google Books
The Composition of Meaning:
From Lexeme to Discourse

Edited by Alice G. B. ter Meulen and Werner Abraham
Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Pg. 32:
...  blends (coco-colanize, slanguage, gundamentalist), ...
by Rachel Smith 06-30-2008 | 3:56pm
Last week’s headlines blared the news: The Supreme Court has ruled that there is a constitutional right to gun ownership. I’m not surprised—disheartened, dismayed, disappointed, yes—but not surprised. The photo accompanying the headline was of jubilant gun rights supporters carrying signs saying “Guns Save Lives.” “The Great Object: Every Man Be Armed.” “If guns kill people, do pens misspell words?”
Google Books
America and Its Guns:
A Theological Expose

By James E. Atwood
Eugene, OR: Cascade Books
Pg. 82:
Rachel Smith, calls it “Gundamentalism.” Many modern-day shamans and religious gun enthusiasts proclaim God wants all citizens well armed so they can protect our homes, our values, even our faith.
December 17, 2012
Word of the Week: Gundamentalist
Gundamentalist: A person who goes beyond the language of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and takes his or her unrestricted right to bear arms as a tenet of religious or quasi-religious faith. A portmanteau of “gun” and “fundamentalist.”
Heinrichs didn’t coin “gundamentalist”; in fact, the word has been around for more than 80 years. I found a citation in the July 31, 1926, issue of The New Yorker in the “Of All Things” column, an un-bylined collection of news items (paywalled):
Down in Texas the shouting Baptist has evolved into the shooting Baptist. Rev. J. Frank Norris has now reached the position of America’s leading gundamentalist.
“Gundamentalist” lay dormant and possibly forgotten for many decades. Then, about five years ago, it began appearing again – this time in connection with groups, not individuals, and with a new shade of meaning: not necessarily a religious fundamentalist who pulls a trigger but any person who venerates guns.
24 December 2012, The Times-Tribune (Corbin, KY), “Real change” by Donna Brazile, pg. 4A, col. 2:
“Gundamentalists” (Heinrichs’ term) will want to focus on code words like “liberty” and the “second Amendment” and the stupid cliche, “Guns don’t kill people.”
(Jay Heinrichs, author of Thank You For Arguing.—ed.)
Zwinglius Redivivus
Gundamentalists and Gundamentalism: Some Questions for Your Adherents
Posted by Jim on April 18, 2013
1- Which part of ‘… background checks…’ does not abide in accord with ‘…well regulated…’?
2- Why is it that you bow to the altar of the Constitution?  It is not a sacred text, and it isn’t divinely inspired, and it no where approaches the importance of Sacred Scripture.  And yet you treat it as though it were, and did.
Urban Dictionary
The worship of guns; a modern religion based on buying, owning, carrying and shooting large numbers of firearms in situations where they are not really necessary.
Gundamentalism promises to free you from the meaninglessness of everyday life by letting you stroke long hard objects and make loud noises while fantasizing about killing your enemies.
by rewinn August 18, 2013
Favorite new words that I intend to use in conversation at every opportunity: ammosexual, gundamentalist, wargasm. Other contenders?
11:09 PM - 9 Jun 2014